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Chapter 29 – The Art of Treat Begging

Chapter 29- The Art of Treat Begging

Dad sat on the floor eating his breakfast while checking his messages. Beside him sat Merlot and Enzo, nibbling on their treats. It was their morning ritual. Merlot loved her Berry Loops. Enzo preferred a platter of different treats.

As Dad was reading a message, he noticed the crunching sounds had stopped. He could feel eyes on him. He turned and looked down. Sure enough, there stood Enzo in front of his empty treat platter. Being a professional treat beggar, he didn’t need to beg or say a word. He had perfected the art of treat begging. Enzo just gave Dad the stink-eye. He knew Dad would understand.

Merlot was less subtle. She just hopped over Enzo and put her front paws up on Dad’s arm and gave him her “aren’t I cute?” look. She knew how to melt Dad’s heart.

Dad just smiled and asked, “You want round two of treats?” “Yes!” they both thought. Knowing their routine, Dad was ready with a second treat platter for Enzo and an Orchard Loop for Merlot. “You guys are so cute!” he said, as he handed them their second round of treats. 

Merlot said to Enzo, “You’re right! Dad is easy to train!”

Enzo gives Dad "the look" when he wants more treats.

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