Hello. It’s Belinda.
First of all, thank you to everyone who left messages for me on Facebook last weekend. To let me know that you got the blog I wrote about staying at my agent’s “Airbnb.”
I’ve been so upset about this whole email mess. And when I’m stressed out I eat. I’ve been eating so much my face hurts.
So your comments made me feel a lot better.
The thing is, I work for days on my blog posts. And when my agent sends them to my friends, that’s my cue to relax. But now I worry all weekend, even though my agent says “it will all come out in the wash.”
It’s been a nice break for the past week or so, working at her house. Despite having to stay in the storeroom. I also had to adjust to working a different shift.
My agent’s hours are odd, in my opinion. At home, we all wake up with the birds. My roommate feeds us breakfast and first hay while her coffee brews. My agent doesn’t drink coffee so she wakes up later and she works late too.
At night I like to watch my shows until bedtime. My agent perks up around sundown. That’s when she wants to talk about cost per click and hear my ideas for new herbal mixes and toys.
Her work hours are none of my business but she kept interrupting me while I was “clocked out.” Asking me to review email settings and sit beside her during calls with the tech experts. As much as I tried to focus, I kept nodding off.
But when you’re a guest you have to be flexible, even if other rabbits are in the actual “guest” room.
So I didn’t complain about the hours or my accommodations. The storage area was about one-third the size of the guest room, where I used to stay before Justice and Bill from Las Vegas moved in. But it was clean and quiet and there was plenty to eat.
However, the truth is, that part of the third floor doesn’t have very good Wi-Fi.
At first, I thought I wasn't connected at all. I kept trying to reply to comments on Facebook and the screen showed something about a “proxy server.” I could see a drawing of a little square face with a frown.
I tried thumping for my agent but she was on the bottom floor and didn’t hear me.
So I guess it was bad manners but I was out of options. I asked Justice and Bill.
“Hey you two. Do you know the Wi-Fi login?”
I walked over to the doorway of the guest room and looked in.
Justice was standing in a pile of Flower Power Berry Boost. I could see Bill’s white ears inside the Castle.
“Hi Justice. Are you online? I’m having trouble connecting.”
She just looked at me and chewed. I got that same awkward feeling I had at the airport, when I welcomed them to Pittsburgh and they didn’t reply.
Which leads me to the point of this blog. My friends wrote to me on Facebook on Sunday and Monday and I couldn’t write back.
I snuck in a few comments while I was downstairs with my agent, on calls with the tech team. But that only goes so far and that’s where typos come from. Multi-tasking.
So I apologize to all of you who were nice enough to leave messages for me. I was not ignoring you.
I know I said I needed a break from my roommate and the daily routine. But I am writing this from under the steps and I have to admit … it feels good to be home.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
Not just HAY...we've got