Hello. It's Belinda.
You're probably wondering how I can even work right now. After my big Earth Day birthday party last week.
I'll let you in on a little secret. I slept for three days.
I want to thank everyone who attended, either by sending a photo or just by reading my blog. It was so much fun.
Some of you asked if Abigail showed up.
Are you kidding me.
Abigail never misses a party. She was the first one here and the last to leave.
I even had to "rattle the breakfast dishes" if you know what I mean. To drop a hint.
I'm just goofing around. Still in "party mode."
Anyway Abigail brought an extra special cake. Her friend Helen baked it for her birthday last month.
She handmade the cake topper to look just like Abigail.

That's the most adorable cake I've ever seen in my life.
I don't throw that word around very often but come on. The topper looks exactly like her.
And it's the perfect time to be celebrating Abigail because this week is her fifth anniversary as the Small Pet Select novelist.
Can you believe it? I don't know where the time goes.
Abigail has written 261 chapters. She's a dynamo in my opinion.
Last month she got all her chapters in on time even though she was in the hospital.
I don't know how she does it.
She even published a book. It has 25 of her novel chapters with photos. You can see the book and order your copy here.
Most of her chapters are "sneak peeks" into her life at home. There's always something interesting going on with her "Dad" and the other rabbits.
But she also writes about how to make the world a better place for all of us.
She definitely makes my world better.
I hired her because I thought I was getting fired. Turns out the team was just planning a surprise party for me.
"All's well that ends well."
Happy anniversary, Abigail.
You make work fun.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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