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Belinda Says Hay: “Do You Have Wild Hay Nights?”

Belinda Says Hay Blog Header July 25 2021: "Do You Have Wild Hay Nights?"

Hello. It's Belinda.

Are you watching  the Olympics? My roommate has it on day and night. I can hear it through the ceiling.

I join her when I can. I'm trying to catch some of the teams from New Zealand. My homeland.

Not that I have time to sit around watching badminton and water polo all day. Not with my new "surprise project."  Learning Instagram. 

Which is taking a lot of time because of all the research I have to do. There's a lot to learn. 

All the rabbits on Instagram are fancy. Their houses too. They look like movie sets.

I like my home but it's a bit "primitive" compared to all that.

So last week I asked if any of you had advice for me. Tips for "glamming" things up for Instagram.

My friend Tom wrote: 

"Those super models aren't 'real' either in the bunny or the human world. You can bet they don't get insta when they are in mid-molt or have had a wild night with hay and everything else all over the place."

Then he posted a photo of his friend and mine, Colin.

My sleeping rug looks a bit like Colin's "bachelor pad." I like to have my projects where I left them. My roommate leaves it alone.

This won't fly on Instagram from what I can see.

My friend Kelly also had some advice: 

"Here is one trick: make *one* clean corner of your room and then take pictures there! Sometimes Rosie and I move the clean corner around, too, for different 'looks.'"

This idea works "in theory."

But I'm looking around the bottom level. The utility sink (also known as my office) is in one corner. It's dark under there. Plus I found a spiderweb.

My sleeping rug and stash are in another corner. A bunch of mops and brooms are kept in the third corner.

And there's a cabinet in the fourth. Plus that's close to Little Fang's pen. Which is nowhere near "photo-ready."

No comment.

I'm going to need my roommate's help. There's no way around it. I can't lift anything over two pounds.

I hate to ask her to help with work projects. For one thing, she's busy watching the Olympics.

Now that I've admitted I'm not a good housekeeper I wonder how it is at your place. Is your space "picture perfect?"

If I stopped by right now would I find hay crumbs and snackers on the floor?

They wouldn't be there for very long with me around. Just kidding.

Anyway, I'm still collecting "tips" so if you have any, please email me. Or leave a comment on the company Facebook page.

Thanks for always supporting me and my blog. 



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