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Belinda Says Hay: ”How to Catch a Stray Rabbit”

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, Oct 6, 2024. "How to Catch a Stray Rabbit"

Hello. It's Belinda.

I have a special guest today. My roommate.

I've never done this before but I asked her to write this blog.

It's about how to help a rabbit running loose outdoors. Like the baby rabbit in my neighborhood last month.

My roommate and some other helpers teamed up to catch the rabbit. Which reminded me of living on the city streets when I was young.

My roommate has captured a lot of "street rabbits." So I wanted her to explain how she did it.

This an important topic. I hope she does a good job.

By the way. My roommate doesn’t have a professional photograph. So I drew her portrait. 

Belinda's Drawing of Her Roommate

OK that's all from me. 

Now it's her turn.

Hello. It's Belinda's roommate.

First of all, I'm a nervous wreck. I don't know how to write a spokesrabbit blog. And Belinda didn't give me any instructions.

Also, I am not an expert in capturing loose rabbits. I'm just a "gal" who has rescued them from streets, woods, parking lots, fields, back yards, back porches and from under decks and construction trailers. Oh and also from a big cemetery. 

I could go into a lot of detail about each of these rescues, but Belinda told me to "keep it snappy."

So instead of a long blog, I'm just going to give you some things I've learned along the way.

Tips for catching a stray rabbit:

  • Don’t wait for someone else to do something. Once you see or hear about a loose domestic rabbit, you need to start looking for them. The rabbit is not safe outside.
  • Put bowls of fresh water in the places the rabbit was seen. Rabbits get thirsty.
  • Ask local residents or businesses for help. Write letters asking permission to set traps on their property. Stick the letters in lots of doors.
  • Know that some people won't want to help you. They might like seeing the rabbit outside and think they are "happy." 
  • Reassure everyone that you are going to help the rabbit. Explain that the rabbit is in danger from cars, disease and predators outdoors.
  • Have a plan for when you catch the rabbit. Where will they stay the first few days? Which vet can give you an emergency appointment to check the rabbit once you catch them? Contact rabbit rescues and vets before you capture the rabbit. 
  • The rabbit might have fleas, ticks or other parasites. They may be ill, and possibly contagious to your own rabbits. Plan a "quarantine room" at your house. Cover the floor with a tarp and keep the rabbit off carpeting until you can check and treat their fur.
  • The rabbit might be pregnant. Many, many stray rabbits give birth the first night they are safely indoors. 
  • Outdoor rabbits eat grass, clover, dandelion and other plants. When you bring the rabbit indoors, continue to feed these items. Add hay and eventually introduce pellets and other foods. Change the diet very slowly  to give the rabbit time to adjust.
  • People often use "humane traps" or exercise pens to capture loose rabbits. If you can, buy them both now so you'll have them in an emergency. 
  • Humane traps are easy to set and easy to open to release the animal inside. You can buy them at hardware stores. Use fresh rabbit poop and pee in the trap as bait. Cover the trap with a dark towel or sheet to make it look less suspicious to the rabbit.
  • Once you set the trap, test it a few times! This part is very important.
  • Once you set the trap, you must check it often. A rabbit or other animal trapped inside it can become panicky. They are vulnerable to predators.
  • Be patient. It might take several days or even weeks to catch a stray rabbit. 
  • Other people might tell you to give up. Act like a rabbit and ignore them.

Oh boy. I've written a lot so far and didn't even talk about the details of using a humane trap or exercise pens.

You can see some excellent photos of different trapping ideas at The Town of Imagination for Rabbits.

Get more good ideas from the Columbus House Rabbit Society

If you have any questions for me, please leave them in the comments or send them to

Belinda, I hope you like what I wrote.

Thanks for inviting me to do a guest blog. It was a big assignment and very stressful, if you know what I mean.

But it's worth it if it helps a domestic rabbit trying to survive outdoors. 

Once upon a time that was you, my Big White Bunny.


Belinda's Roommate

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