Hello. It’s Belinda.
Notice anything different? Hint: It’s at the end of this blog.
It’s a comment box.
So you can write a message to me and vice versa.
It was not easy but I pulled it off. I hacked into the blog software and added it.
Just a little gift to myself to say “Happy Anniversary to Me.” Because today is one year since I started this job.
A lot has happened since I became spokesrabbit and 99% of it is good.
Except for one thing. I keep asking for my own email account and my agent keeps saying no.
Well I want to shoot the breeze with my friends. And she did not say no to adding comments to the blog since I did not ask so "ta da." Nothing to apologize for. Everyone should be happy.
As for happy, this has been the best year of my life. And I have a lot of people to thank today.
First of all, the big boss
Thank you, Mr. Gordon, for taking a chance on me. I didn’t have any experience except as a companion for my roommate. And thanks for not firing me when I went behind your back and hired Abigail. Hacking into the blog today is no big deal compared to that in my opinion.
Thank you to my agent
I’m not sure how you found me and got my resume to Small Pet Select. But from day one you’ve had my back. Thanks for helping me when I stick my foot in my mouth with the team. And for posting my blogs and sending out my emails and handling other "tech issues."
Except today. Speaking of that, I hope you will leave a nice comment at the end of this post.
To Josh from the warehouse
The day you sent those boxes to me for my adoptaversary, you made a friend for life. I am not saying that because you have a warehouse full of timothy hay, alfalfa, orchard medley and the rest. Also pear blueberry healthy snackers and Zen Tranquility herbal blend and Belinda’s Blend. And those new mini cookies, apple banana.
I really wish I could get an Uber to the warehouse to see it for myself.
Anyway, thanks for all the “goodies” you send to my house.
The entire Small Pet Select team
I could not ask for better coworkers. You cut me a lot of slack when I nod off during meetings. Also you gave me the best surprise birthday party of my life. Thanks for all the pep talks.
You are the best novelist. Your chapters have me on the edge of my seat, which is not very safe considering what happened with my elbow. Thanks for agreeing to work for me even though I hired you “under the table.”
My roommate
Thanks for supporting me and helping me with spelling. I know this has been a big adjustment. Sometimes when you need me I’m under the steps working. But remember, all you have to do is open the refrigerator door and I'll be there in a flash. No need to yell my name over and over.
The English
Picking up the slack with the roommate was the least you could do, in my opinion. That said, I do appreciate it. When she needs a rabbit you are always there, which keeps her out of my hair.
The boyfriend’s companion
You are a good companion to me, just as you were to him. Even thought we have to use fences to get along. Thank you for not talking all day while I’m working like you do at 2 a.m.
My boyfriend
You used to say, “A job! How about that.” Encouraging me. And when I worried about work you would chase me around the room a few times to help me relax.
Wherever you are, I hope you are still proud of me.
My new friends
Thank you for reading my blogs every Sunday and for writing so many nice messages to me. Whether you send them to customer service or post them on Facebook, they make my day.
I still read the cards you sent for my birthday. I keep them near my work papers just for fun.
Speaking of fun, I hope you leave a comment for me below.
And I hope we can stay in touch for “Year Two.”
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
Not just HAY...we've got