Hello. It's Belinda.
Today is a good day because I get to talk about treats again.

"Yum." I wait all year for this.
Last week my blog was all about pea flakes. Or should I say my pea flakes ad.
It was supposed to be 40 words but I wrote 185 words.
I turned it in and the team replied right away. "Thanks for the hard work, Belinda. We'll take it from here."
It just goes to show you. I know how to write promos.
And I'm trying to get better at drawing. Do you like the heart in the headline? It took me a week to finish that. Worth it in my opinion.
All of this will come in handy when I move to my new office at the ad agency. No updates on that yet. "Stay tuned."
So back to the Valentine's Day treats.
Every year, Josh from the warehouse sends me a little "surprise" for Valentine's Day. I start watching for it on February 1.
This year, February started on a Monday. "Perfect timing."
I set up shop by the front door. Every time I heard a truck I thought "here we go." I can hear a delivery truck a mile away.
By Tuesday afternoon I couldn't take it anymore. I got on the company gizmo and sent Josh a "wish list."
- Valentine's Herbal Medley (50 bags)
- Strawberry Rose Healthy Snackers (extra-large super-jumbo box)
- Maypop Vine Heart (25)
- Heart's Desire Set (send whatever is in the warehouse -- just fill the truck)
I sent it to everyone if you want to know the truth. So it would look like an accident.
But I know Josh saw it. Come on.
Anyway I hope you have a chance to get some of these Valentine's Day goodies for your stash. "Limited time only."
I'm working on something extra-special for the holiday. It's about my boyfriend.
And I don't mean Josh from the warehouse.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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