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Belinda Says Hay: ”Surprise Visit”

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, "Surprise Visit" August 11, 2024

Hello. It's Belinda.

This is a quick blog today. You'll see why in a minute.

But first I want to thank everybody for all of the excellent ideas you’ve sent to me. For my survey about smells.

I’m learning a lot about good and bad odors. "Keep it coming."

Leave  a comment below or email me at

My big news is my roommate visited us here at the petsitter's house.

She showed up a few days ago, in the middle of the afternoon. And get this. She didn’t have a cast on her arm.

She’s wearing a “splint“ now. It looks like three big band-aids wrapped around her arm.

Seems like a good sign. "Progress" if you know what I mean. 

She was talking her head off to the petsitter too.

"Are they being good for you?"

"Oh him. That’s just how he is. Ha ha ha ha."

They were talking about the English. He's on his worst behavior which I'm not getting into today.

"Watch this. I can move my fingers now."

"Another two weeks would be great. Thank you so much for helping me with them."

I could only hear some of it. I was watching and listening from the end of the hall. 

I'll tell you one thing. My roommate was awfully energetic for someone who "needs more rest.“

She was waving her arms around like a gymnast while she talked.

If you’re so worried about your broken arm and your splint, you should keep your arm at your side.

There’s no reason to loop and spin your hands through the air. Especially so close to the walls.

If you bang your splint into the doorframe you're asking to be sent right back to the table. 

My roommate spent some time visiting with us. Dropped off some pee pads for Little Fang and gave us all treats.

And then she went home. How do you like that.

This blog isn't very professional but I'm in a mood.



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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