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Belinda Says Hay: ”The Loose Rabbit Is Safe”

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, "The Loose Rabbit Is Safe" Sept 15, 2024

Hello. It's Belinda.

LAST-MINUTE UPDATE:  Great news! The rabbit is safe. I just found out a minute ago.

I am so relieved. I can’t believe it.

I already had my blog written and I don’t have time to write a new one. So here’s part two of the lost rabbit story. I wrote the first part last week.

It all started about a week ago. Just after breakfast.

I was under the utility sink working on my hay reports.

Suddenly I heard the front door slam. My roommate leaving the house.

A few minutes later, I heard the door again. She was back home already.

Next thing you know she was walking fast down the steps to the bottom level.

I watched her hurry across the room. Making a “beeline” toward my stash.

“I need to borrow some loops, Belinda. Sorry.”

She took an entire box of meadow loops and ran back upstairs.

Out the front door again.

I don’t know when she came home. I was too busy working on my orchard hay numbers. Plus trying not to think about that box of loops.

What I do know is I heard her pacing across the ceiling. Walking back and forth in the living room.

All worked up, talking on the phone to someone.

Obviously something big was going on. But what did that have to do with my meadow loops?

Later that day she told me. There's a poor little rabbit loose in the neighborhood.

I couldn't believe my ears.

Seems like somebody let her out the front door, and that was the end of that.

“I have to get her, Belinda.”

She told me a group of people were setting up traps in the rabbit's favorite "hangouts." For example, under a big pine tree.

First of all, my roommate is not supposed to be running around the neighborhood with traps. Her arm is still in a splint.

On the other hand, that rabbit needs help ASAP. I should know.

Before I stayed at the shelter, I lived in the streets. I don’t know how I got there because my early days are a little “fuzzy.”

Somehow, I flew from New Zealand to the United States. Then I ended up loose in Pittsburgh. I had to sleep under cars.

I wish I could tell the little lost rabbit to go into the trap already. Enough is enough.

"Go toward the meadow loop."

I know rabbits don’t want to go into traps. It’s the last thing you want to do when you're a rabbit. You want to run away.

On the other hand, it’s not safe outdoors. Too many cars for one thing.

And you can’t live under pine trees. I bet that rabbit is itchy.

This whole situation is making me nervous. I wake in the middle of the night worrying about her. I hope she doesn't try to cross the street. 

My roommate tells me everything will be OK. But I can't help myself.

Was your rabbit a “street rabbit?” How did you get her indoors?

Let me know their story in the comments. Or email me at

I hope we get her soon. One day on the loose is too many.



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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