Hello. It's Belinda.
This is my most important blog of the year. Thank you for reading it.
I hope you will share my news with your hay-loving friends.
It all started the other day when I received a shocking email from a stranger.
The message said:
“The rumor is that online shopping is expected to reach record highs this holiday season. As a result, shipping carriers will experience larger-than-usual volume, which may potentially lead to shipping delays."
That was the entire message.
Most of the emails I get are from my friends. They send photos of their house projects and such. Or questions about my blog.
Nobody emails me with warnings about carriers. I have one for trips in the car. It has a towel inside so I don't slide around. There's nothing else to say about it.
Also I don't know a thing about ships. I live in Pittsburgh. We're nowhere near the "high seas."
I read the email three times. I had no idea what I was supposed to do.
My heart started pounding like the washing machine when my roommate crams too many blankets inside.
Finally I forwarded it to the team and told myself that was the end of it.
I was wrong.
The very next day I got the biggest assignment of the year.
Turns out I'm in charge of the "shop early" reminders for the next month or so.
Can you believe it.
I'm supposed to come up with something "catchy" to spread the word that deliveries might take longer than usual.
I like to write about hay. This is a whole other "ball game."
So I decided to write a short story. It's called Holiday Ships.
"Holiday Ships"
Once upon a time there was a rabbit named Melinda.
She lived with her best friend, Little Bling. They shared the entire first floor of a house.
They had everything they needed thanks to their roommate. Also thanks to Ross from the warehouse.
Hay, healthy snackers, toys and chews. "You name it."
Everything was fine until the holidays.
That's because they were hoping for some special treats and goodies.
Melinda and Little Bling weren't greedy. They just looked forward to something extra "from Santa." There's nothing wrong with that.
All the roommate had to do was order early that year. Because there were "high volumes" and "possible delays."
But she kept getting distracted.
"I have plenty of time to order holiday gifts for the rabbits," she thought.
"I'll just wait until the last minute as usual."
The ending of this story is too awful to write. You can imagine what happens when they look under the tree.
If only the roommate had listened to Belinda the spokesrabbit.
The end.
I don't know if that's what the team wanted but it will have to do.
It took me two days to write that. Including overtime.
If you want to read more "technical info," take a look at the company Shipping Policy FAQ.
And shop extra early. Just in case.
Thank you for reading my blog. Especially on days like today.
I hope you have a good week.
Sincerely, Belinda
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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