Howdy, ya’ll. My name’s BenBen. I live with my hooman family; my mommy’s name is Brooke and my dad is Scott. My sister is a goldendoodle, Lilly. She’s cute (even though I think I’m cuter). I also have an angel bunny brother, Bellagio. I totally miss him. They’re the best family in the whole world. One, because they love me and keep me safe. They always give me fresh food and water and clean up after my messes… I can be kinda messy. And I get to hippy hop around the house whenever I please, which I like a lot. But most of all, they’re the awesomest because they gave me my very own room… with my very own bunny TV! And that’s the best because watching TV…. well, it’s kinda my favorite thing in the world (don’t tell mom and dad).
I guess I’ve loved TV ever since I was a baby, I can’t really remember, that’s how long it’s been. But what I do remember is that my first love was Robin Meade. What a dreamboat. <3 And now when I don’t get to watch HLN’s Morning Express, or when Susan is there? Those days are ruined. It has to be my Robin.
Aren’t YOUR days ruined when you can’t watch this beauty!? Also, the show content is so captivating. See? Proof is in the pudding.

I also remember really starting to like TV after I saw Cinderella for the first time, but I’m not sure if it was her, the storyline, or her rockin’ heels that got me. It was probably her. But I did like that mouse, Gus. The chubby one. He was really funny and I laughed at him. But Lucifer the cat? I do NOT like him.
As I got older, I started to identify with all kinds of shows! My love for this talking box thing just grew and grew and grew. And now, I have a very specific schedule. I have to keep my schedule every week, or I get very upset. I’d love to share my top picks with you, incase you’re all out of good Netflix options and can’t think of anything else to watch on reg TV.
Every Day:
- Morning Express with Robin Meade (skip if Susan’s there; you’ll probably get upset too).
- Price is Right (Drew Carey’s a really funny guy!)
- Local News (Bunnies have to know what’s going on, too.)
- Soap Operas (Young and the Restless is best, but others are nice as well.)
- Afternoons with Andy Griffith (I really like the whistling at the beginning of the show. It makes me want to do the bunny binky.)
- Jeopardy (I usually know all of the answers, but sometimes the $500 dollar boxes are tough.)
- Wheel Of Fortune (College week is my fav.)
Then, evenings really change all the time. Just depends what mood I’m in. But if I don’t like what’s on, I’ll turn around and thump at mom and dad until they change the channel. Or I’ll leave the room if that doesn’t work. It usually works, though, because I basically control the house, ya know?
Then, special days of the week have super special shows, too! How cool is that!
Sunday: Once Upon A Time (But this season, the storyline changed and it really made me frustrated because new characters came in. I loved the old characters. I’ll give it another chance… I guess.)
Monday: American Pickers on the History Channel (I’d really love to explore some of those garages.)
Tuesday: This Is Us (Kevin is my favorite character. He is SO cool. But I don’t like Toby so much. I’ll take a food or potty break if I see him, and come back for Kev. Season three starts in September, so I have a countdown going for that.)
Thursday: Green Arrow (It’s after Gotham, which is also pretty good.)
Friday and Saturday: Live PD

And those are my favorites. I mean, it’s not that many. I’m working on adding more to my list but I think my mom and dad feel like it’s getting a little OOTC. But they love me, so they don’t mind. 🙂
If you need any more recommendations (or you have any favorites that you want to share with me) let me know! I’m always happy to help. Especially with TV. It’s just so cool.
Oh, and if you know of any bunnies that need this info, please pass it along.