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Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, "Surprise Visit" August 11, 2024

Belinda Says Hay: ”Surprise Visit”

Hello. It’s Belinda. This is a quick blog today. You’ll see why in a minute. But first I want to thank everybody for all of the excellent ideas you’ve sent to me. For my survey about smells. I’m learning a lot about good and bad odors. “Keep it coming.” Leave  a comment below or email me at My big … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, "Catch Me" July 21, 2024

Belinda Says Hay: “Catch Me”

Hello. It’s Belinda. It all began yesterday afternoon. I was minding my own business as you can see in this photo.Suddenly I thought wait a minute. Something is happening. It sounds like my roommate is going into the rabbit supply closet. “I’d better investigate.”Oh no. She took all three car carriers out. That means Little Fang and I will be stuck somewhere … Continue Reading

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