Hi Everyone!
If you're reading this, there's a big chance that you're a guinea pig lover like me. However, before we talk about me: who I am, what I do, and what makes me qualified to write about guinea pigs, I wanted to tell you the story of how I became Small Pet Select's new guinea pig spokesperson.
Some years ago, on a cold and rainy Saturday, I met Bill Gordon, Small Pet Select's Co-Owner and CEO, when he visited Los Angeles Guinea Pig Rescue. He was supposed to just come by and say "hi," but he stuck around the whole day and volunteered. I was impressed by his humility and willingness to get down and dirty with the rest of us. He was a sweet man with genuine love and care for our work.
After all the pigs were fed and tucked in, Bill and I enjoyed a well-deserved coffee by the fireplace and chatted. About lots of things, really. (And lots of guinea pig talk, of course.) I liked him, and my husband and I were sad to see him go. We really had a lovely time.
Fast forward to now.
Bill recently asked me if I would be interested in writing blogs, creating guinea pig care videos, and producing care guides for Small Pet Select. How awesome. I didn't hesitate to say yes; I'm super excited about this opportunity and was highly honored to be asked.
And that's how I became Small Pet Select's guinea pig spokesperson. A pretty simple story, but one that's lead to something really cool.
Now, a bit on me. I'm Saskia, founder of the Los Angeles Guinea Pig Rescue.

About Me, Saskia
I love guinea pigs. I really, really love guinea pigs! I love guinea pigs so much that I started the Los Angeles Guinea Pig Rescue when I moved to LA (from my native Holland 20 years ago). LAGPR has since grown into the world's largest guinea pig welfare organization. Pretty crazy, right?!
Ten years ago, after scrimping and saving for a long time, my husband Gabe and I purchased a small two-acre ranch in Chatsworth (near Los Angeles). We're tucked right in the far northwest corner of the San Fernando Valley. Living on a small ranch had long been my biggest dream because I would help more guinea pigs. That really was my biggest dream. And now, my biggest dream is a reality.

About Los Angeles Guinea Pig Rescue
On average, we rescue, rehabilitate, and re-home about 2,000 piggies each year. We save the guinea pigs from LA area shelters, from families that need to surrender their animals. Additionally, sometimes, we get tips from the public about locations where guinea pigs were left to fend for themselves. Parks and hiking trails are popular locations for that.
Unfortunately, guinea pigs are abandoned in front of pet stores, empty apartments, and at our gate. Moreover, apartment building managers found piggies in trash containers… you name it, it happens.
Meet Our Other Animals
Aside from guinea pigs, we also rescue, and re-home thoroughbred horses and are home to three pigs. Two darling potbellies named Betty and Panchito and a 600-pound hog, who goes by the name of Pepe. (He's the gentlest and friendliest giant I've ever met.)
We have two groups of rescued chickens. (All of our chickens are free-range, and I maintain a little garden with grass and other greens just for them.)
One of the chickens (her name is Margie) thinks she's human and walks inside whenever she pleases. Unfortunately, she's not house trained, and we often forget to close the screen doors. Oh well.
She insists on sleeping in the house, too, so when dusk comes around, she starts to peck at the door to be let in. She'll march right in (because we always open the door) and jump into her night cage for her evening snack and sleep. So spoiled. But so loveable.
Then we have a gangster named Weed Wacker. Fans of my YouTube channel are very familiar with him… he's a loudmouth with tons of personality and many things to say. I rescued him seven years ago when he was a wee little yellow fluff puff after being abandoned and wandering around an LA neighborhood. He doesn't like many people but adores me and my friend Scotty. His antics make me laugh so hard, and I have a lot of fun with him.
We have a turkey, Angel, who doesn't like anyone other than his caretaker, and a feral pony mule (Manolito) we rescued at a livestock auction. He's a cheeky little bugger and thinks he's a giant draft horse.
We have two dogs, Johanna (aka Jojo), a St. Bernard mix, Finnegan (aka Booty), a small terrier-type cross. We used to have 4 giant dogs at one point. Three Irish Wolfhounds and a huge Alaskan Malamute. Every animal at our ranch was rescued, and every single one, big and small, is totally loved.
Aside from guinea pigs, we also rescue and re-home thoroughbred horses and are home to three pigs. Two darling potbellies named Betty and Panchito, and a 600 pound hog, who goes by the name of Pepe. (He’s the gentlest and friendliest giant I’ve ever met.)
We have two groups of rescued chickens. (All of our chickens are free range, and I maintain a little garden with grass and other greens just for them.)
One of the chickens (her name is Margie) thinks she’s human and walks inside whenever she pleases. She’s not house trained, and we often forget to close the screen doors. Oh well.
She insists on sleeping in the house, too, so when dusk comes around she starts to peck at the door to be let in. She’ll march right in (because we always open the door) and jump into her night cage for her evening snack and sleep. So spoiled. But so loveable.
Then we have a gangster named Weed Wacker. Fans of my YouTube channel are very familiar with him… he’s a loud mouth with tons of personality and a lot of things to say. I rescued him seven years ago when he was a wee little yellow fluff puff after he was found abandoned and wandering around an LA neighborhood. He doesn’t like many people but adores me and my friend Scotty. His antics make me laugh so hard and I have a lot of fun with him.
We have a turkey, Angel, who doesn’t like anyone other than his caretaker and a feral pony mule (Manolito) we rescued at a livestock auction. He’s a cheeky little bugger and thinks he’s a giant draft horse.
We have two dogs, Johanna (aka Jojo) who is a St. Bernard mix, and Finnegan (aka Booty) who is a small terrier type cross. We used to have 4 giant dogs at one point. Three Irish Wolfhounds and a huge Alaskan Malamute. Every animal at our ranch was rescued and every single one, big and small, is totally loved.
Why Do I Do What I Do?
Back to the guinea pigs. I encountered my first guinea pigs when I was around 18 years old. I was at a pet store. I asked to hold one, and I was sold. So beautiful and sweet. I knew I was hooked. It was an extraordinary moment because I hadn't thought much about guinea pigs as pets until then. As a child, I had bunnies. In fact, everyone in my small town (Krimpen aan de IJssel) had bunnies. I remember being twelve, nail clippers in hand, visiting every family with a rabbit to make sure their nails got trimmed regularly. Yes, I was the rabbit nail-cutting girl.
So back to the pet store. (Sorry, I had to tell the rabbit nail trimming girl story.)
I fell in love with a little Agouti Abyssinian girl I named Montana. She came home with me that day. That was also the day I decided I wanted to learn everything I could about these adorable critters. Since guinea pigs are like potato chips (true story), she was soon joined by others of her kind, and I was utterly smitten. I had no idea how much personality guinea pigs had. I learned they had very distinct likes and dislikes. But I knew how tame they could become if handled correctly and how many different coat colors and hairstyles. I was thrilled every day to just sit and watch them interact.
At that time, I was also busy building a career as a fashion model and traveled quite a bit. My best friend would come, and house sit to take care of my piggies; he remembers them fondly to this day. Eventually, I moved to London and had guinea pigs there as well. It was in London that I had a chance to encounter Peter Gurney.
I was in the London Underground and noticed a man sitting close to me with a shopping basket on his lap. When I looked closer, I saw a beautiful, well-groomed Peruvian guinea pig in that basket. I asked him what on earth he was doing in the subway with a guinea pig in a basket. He told me that he had just returned from his weekly visit to the Great Ormond Children's Hospital. He shared his studio flat in South London with 100 rescued guinea pigs. It turned out that he was one of the foremost guinea pig experts in the world and the author of several books on the proper care of guinea pigs. He became a good friend of mine whom I would regularly visit throughout my years in London. It was at his feet I learned everything he knew about guinea pigs.
He was my friend and my guru. Thinking back now, I realize that there are no chance meetings. I mean, what are the odds that I, of all people, would meet him… the master. Nevertheless, we stayed in touch. When I started the rescue after moving to LA, he was my go-to for questions and advice until his passing in 2006. He is sorely missed; his passing was a massive blow to the guinea pig community.
So, here I was in 1999. I had all my cages set up and was ready to open for business. I visited the local Santa Monica animal shelter to introduce myself and leave my card when twenty guinea pigs were being surrendered. The animal control officer said that it was great timing for me to show up and that they would visit my place within the hour to inspect and bring the guinea pigs. And just like that, I was in business.
Over the next twenty years, I learned more and more. There are no better teachers than the animals themselves and living with them day in day out. No amount of study can replace hands-on experience.
Today, our organization is changing the way guinea pigs are kept and cared for throughout the world. I make informational videos and constantly post on social media. My channel is one of the very few that focuses mainly on the proper care of guinea pigs, health issues, and home treatments of common health problems. I freely share my years of experience with those interested in learning more about these precious creatures.
My YouTube channel is growing fast and features videos on specific health, care, and behavior issues, as well as the stories of some of our more dramatic rescues.
I have many stories and experiences to share and will likely be doing just that in the coming months.
I've always wanted to grow my rescue and go beyond making a difference on the local level. By accepting Small Pet Select's offer to become their guinea pig spokesperson, I can make a positive contribution. Hopefully, I will make a difference in the lives of guinea pigs and their caretakers on a national level.
I really very much look forward to all of you getting to know me better. I'm excited to get to know you!