Hello. It’s Belinda.
Everything is fine. I did not break my email account.
And I am not “working too much” no matter what you hear. Nobody knows my schedule except me and that goes for the Tech Team.
Just because my laptop is on that does not mean I’m checking email. Sometimes I bump it in my sleep. I’m a restless sleeper. Always have been.
Anyway, this was the best birthday of my life. And not just because of Belinda@smallpetselect.com
For one thing, I got to sneak something into the orders last weekend. If you found a note from me and a little gift, I hope you liked it. Just a “doo-dad.” For fun.
Also, I am still celebrating, if you want to know the truth. As long as I have email messages it is still “technically” my birthday.
And that’s not the only reason. Josh from the warehouse sent me a bouquet of flowers. And get this: They are safe to eat.

Belinda Eats a Flower
My roommate put the bouquet in the “fridge” and they are still fresh. How do you like that.
But back to the main event.
Thank you so much to everyone for the nice birthday messages, compliments about my blog all the rest. They are still coming. Thank you. It means so much to me.
I thought nothing could top the party and cards from my birthday last year but I was wrong.
If I had to choose between your emails and pear blueberry healthy snackers let’s just say I would “push the bag away.”
You’re probably thinking that line proves my sleep schedule is dangerously “off.” But I’m fine.
I have been catching micro-naps. Five minutes here, three minutes there. In fact I just took one in the middle of that last sentence and nobody noticed.
The astronauts do it all the time so you know it’s safe. There are no time zones in space. They are not watched every second the way the Tech Team watches me.
Anyway where was I.
I am so sorry if I you wrote to me and did not get a reply yet. I am reading every email and I am answering every email.
My roommate said I "bit off more than I can chew" which is rude in my opinion. If I start chewing something I finish it.
I have about 25 messages left or maybe 50. It is not more than 70. When I count I get a little “rabbitty” if you want to know the truth. But I’m fine. Everything is fine including my email.
My roommate says this is taking over my life and I need to “cut corners.”
She said I should just copy and paste the same message to everyone.
Comments like that are exactly why I want my own office (hay house). With a door that locks.
The thing is, sometimes I see a city mentioned in an email and it seems rude to not "chat" about it. So I look it up on Google and next thing you know I'm reading the history of Cape Cod or Chicago. I even got a message from Vancouver (Canada). Not my fault.
They have a suspension bridge there. You can walk over the trees.
Also I have received photos and even some short movies. It would be rude to just write back “thank you for the email.” Maybe my roommate would but who is the spokesrabbit? Thank you.
I just had another micro-nap. I had a dream about the suspension bridge and a rabbit named “Chetty.”
Sometimes I dream that I have 500 emails to answer and I’m in a panic. When I read them, they say things like “Why aren’t you writing back to me?” and “Give me some alfalfa.”
When I look to see who sent them, every single email is from my boyfriend’s companion.
Yesterday I was walking up to the kitchen and I fell asleep on the steps.
My roommate made a big deal out of it. It’s not a “calamity” if you nod off. It happens to rabbits every day of the year not just after they get an email account.
She even hid my laptop last Sunday. She said it was a holiday and time for family. So that put me behind schedule for an entire day.
Anyway I am having the time of my life. Except for being so far behind. I’m fine.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select