Hay friends. Pippi the Dutchie here. I heart our Premium Ultra-Soft Timothy Hay SOOOOO much that I bugged Mom to let me write this article. I hope Mr. Gordon doesn’t mind. It's his fault I love this hay in the first place. Sometimes, Mr. Gordon asks Mom and colleagues if their fur and feather babies want to test potential new products. That’s how we ended up trying Premium Ultra-Soft Timothy Hay.
In their weekly meeting, Mr. Gordon told Mom and her co-workers that he went on quite an adventure to find this exceptionally rare hay…like trying to find a needle in a haystack! We listen to every meeting as we let her work in our room. Mr. Gordon also said he only wants the best for our valued customers. Finally, the farmers who grow Premium Ultra-Soft Timothy Hay are truly dedicated to their craft. We were sold after this meeting, but we had to wait for it to be delivered.
Quietly listening to a Small Pet Select Meeting
Thanks to Small Pet Select’s super-fast shipping, the hay arrived in less than 2 days. So, of course, Mom opened the box immediately and put a small amount for Sunny Bunny, Rocky Roo, and me to try. We went absolutely bonkers. Mom reported the hoppy results to the Comm/Marketing Team on their electronic bulletin board. Then, Mom told us we could have more…it was a Friday. We usually get a little something special to kick off the weekend…like a piece of bunana. But, I have to say this Premium Ultra-Soft Timothy Hay is just as good as bunana. Really. Here's us enjoying some.
Well, Mom took a nap. While she was napping, I was busy. I just turned two, and I am ALWAYS busy. I know she recently shared the picture of the aftermath of my chomping on her piano notebook with you in a blog about Rabbit Anatomy. First, I hopped over to the bench and pulled the other hay bag down. Then, since the bags are only 15 ounces, I drug the hay bag over and chewed it open to share with my siblings. Then, being the tremendous little sissie that I am, I pulled all the hay out for Sunny and Rocky. By the time she woke up, we had eaten the WHOLE bag 🐷. And we left her a lovely pile of 💩. I can’t put what she said here, but let’s just say she would have preferred I moved one of the litter boxes over before we started eating. I move them daily, so it’s not like I don’t know how.

"The aftermath"
The next morning, after she did her daily cleaning and refiling of the litter boxes, Rocky and I hopped over for our routine inspection. We wanted more Premium Ultra-Soft Timothy Hay. There was none in the litter boxes! So, I periscoped, which was my way of asking, "What the heck?!" Mom said something about "everything in moderation," which we sure didn't do the day before. So, it was a couple more days before she gave us some more Premium Ultra-Soft Timothy Hay. There wasn’t much left.
Since we LOVE IT (I know writers aren’t supposed to repeat themselves, but we really do), and our mom is the best, she added Premium Ultra-Soft Timothy Hay to our monthly Auto-Ship and Save. We already get 2ndcutting timothy hay and Oat Hay. Every three months, we also get a 5 lb. bag of Non-GMO, Soy-Free Rabbit Food Pellets.
Our Auto-Ship and Save Order
OK, OK, OK…you're tired of hearing how great Premium Ultra-Soft Timothy Hay is, but you'd like some facts. Here they are:
- Chinchillas
- Guinea Pigs
- Rabbits
Perfect for pets that are:
- Older
- Having dental issues/mouth pain.
- Suffering from GI issues
- Picky eaters
- Softest, leafiest, and highest quality hay on the market —bar none!
- Extra fresh & green third cutting hay.
- More protein than other cuttings.
- Packed with essential nutrients, healthy fats, and fiber made for pet owners who value optimum health.
OK, to wrap this up, I know you'll love our Premium Ultra-Soft Timothy Hay as much as we do. So tell your family to order some NOW!! We've got our Picky Pet Promise, in case you don't. Click the help button (see the pic below) and let our fantastic Customer Service Team know you need something else. They'll hop right on that.

DISCLAIMER: The links and information are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Small Pet Select of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual.
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Bedding for Small Mammals: All You Need to Know
Gourmet Hay: Everything You Need to Know
Small Animal Recycled Paper Pellet Bedding: All You Need to Know