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Belinda The Spokesrabbit

Belinda the spokesrabbit blog


Hello. It’s Belinda. This is a short blog today. I think you can see why. Look up above. At my blog “masthead.”  That’s water damage. Can you believe it? There was a leak in the “loo” and water went everywhere. It went all over my work.  Such as the “congratulations on the new warehouse” card I was making for Josh. For the … Continue Reading

Belinda the spokesrabbit blog "Working in the Loo"

Belinda Says Hay: “Working in the Loo”

Hello. It’s Belinda. I probably shouldn’t do this but I have to. It’s my job. There’s a new blog about clicker training on the company website. It’s part of a series. And I’m supposed to talk about it today. If you missed part one of the series, it’s called “House Rabbit Clicker Training: Why Teach Your Bun?” The new blog … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay "IQ Test for Rabbits"

Belinda Says Hay: “IQ Test for Rabbits”

Hello. It’s Belinda. If you need hay you’re in luck. Because it’s still going on. I’m talking about the harvest sale. Great time to stock up on your favorites or to try something new. And that’s not the only thing that’s “still going on.” I’m still dealing with click click click at home. My roommate trying to clicker train … Continue Reading

Belinda the Spokesrabbit blog header

Belinda Says Hay: “More Clicker Training Nonsense”

Hello. It’s Belinda.First a little “hay business.”Have you checked out the harvest sale?It’s a great time to stock up on hay. For example gourmet hay. If you haven’t tried it all l I can say is “wow.” Give the link a click.Speaking of click. That brings us to this week’s topic. Clicker training again.Two weeks ago, … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay_Co-blog with My Roommate, Anniversary Edition

Belinda Says Hay: “Co-blog with My Roommate, Anniversary Edition”

Hello. It’s Belinda.  And my roommate.  She’s helping me with my blog today. So I can “wrap up early” and take a few days off.  Because this weekend is my fourth anniversary on the  job.Can you believe it? I’ve written about 200 spokesrabbit blogs. “Give or take.” Plus social media posts and ads. And launched  my own herbal … Continue Reading

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