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Belinda The Spokesrabbit

Belinda Says Hay_Are You Going to Midwest BunFest

Belinda Says Hay: “Are You Going to Midwest BunFest?”

Hello. It’s Belinda. I’m in my last-minute scramble for Midwest BunFest. “Hitting the road” for Columbus on Thursday morning. Have to get there early for team meetings and to set up the booth.  But first I want to thank everyone who sent nice messages about my chew toy invention. Rabbits will love it in my opinion. However, I … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “A Shocking Email from a Friend”

Hello. It’s Belinda. I had an entire blog done and I had to start over. From scratch. But before I start “down that path” I want to thank everyone for supporting my special sale. That’s right. Thanks to you, Belinda’s 2-year Anniversary Bundle has been “flying off the shelves.” The special deal ends Monday, Sept. 30. … Continue Reading

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