CHAPTER 55—Rescue Chocolate
“Yum, this is good chocolate!” said Dad as he munched on a chocolate bar that Abigail’s Aunt Chelsea had brought him from New York. “It’s vegan!” she said. “You’re kidding. Really? I never would have guessed,” said Dad in a surprised tone. “The woman who makes these sells them wholesale to animal rescue places, who then resell them at their events and use the profits for animal rescue. It’s called Rescue Chocolate,” explained Chelsea.
Abigail watched with fascination. Humans really seemed to like chocolate. Abigail’s self-appointed mission in life was to help other bunnies who were less fortunate than she. She looked up at Dad with her big brown eyes, “Can we help bunnies with this chocolate?” Dad looked back, “Abigail, that’s a great idea! Let me look into it.”
Emails ensued with Sarah and Susan at Rescue Chocolate. One day after breakfast, as Abigail sat in her spot by the window grooming herself, Dad looked up from his tablet and announced, “OK, Abigail. It’s all set. You’re going to have your own limited edition chocolate bar. It’s a simple dark chocolate bar. And it’s called Abigail’s Fix. It kinda has a double meaning—it’s for when humans need a chocolate fix and it’s your fix for helping bunnies in need. Your cute little face is right on the label. It’s the first label they’ve done with a rabbit on it!”
Abigail stopped mid-groom and looked at Dad. “Really?” she thought. She could hardly believe her tiny little ears. Dad explained, “Rescue Chocolate is going to produce a special run of these chocolate bars. We can do a little “test market” and sell them through my book website. If this turns out to be popular with rabbit people, maybe we can convince Rescue Chocolate to make it a permanent addition to their line. And you can use the profits to help The Rabbit Haven or whatever rescue effort you want!”
Abigail thought that was just dandy. Now she’d be able to help bunnies that needed rescuing. This little two pound rabbit was making a difference! As Peter Rabbit once said, “Even the smallest one can change the world.”
Chocolate bars are $6 (half goes to rabbit rescue) plus $4 for postage. Order 4 and postage is $6. PayPal accepted. To order, email Quantities are limited.

Abigail invests her paycheck in chocolate, hoping for some big returns