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CHAPTER 246 – Year of the Rabbit

Abigail at her typewriter

CHAPTER 246 – Year of the Rabbit

“Happy Chinese New Year, Abigail!” said Dad.

Abigail was confused. She thought, “Dad, didn’t we just celebrate New Year?”

Dad replied, “Well, yes, we did. But this is the Chinese New Year. The Chinese calendar runs on the lunar calendar, which is on a different ‘schedule’.”

Abigail didn’t understand, but she just went along with it just like she did with a lot of human things she didn’t understand.

Dad continued, “This is a very special year. It’s the Year of the Rabbit! There are twelve animals in the Chinese calendar, so it’s only the Year of the Rabbit once every twelve years. It’s said that female rabbits are personified as having a pretty and demure appearance, and a pure heart. I’d say that describes you pretty well!”

Abigail thought, “So, this is a once in a lifetime thing for a rabbit?”

Dad replied, “Yes, I suppose it is. I guess we’ll just have to celebrate rabbits all year long. What do you think?”

Abigail thought, “I don’t really understand any of this, but that sounds good to me! Treats for all the rabbits!”

It only happens once in a lifetime for rabbits - it's the Year of the Rabbit!

It only happens once in a lifetime for rabbits - it's the Year of the Rabbit!

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