Free Discount Code: WC-SHELTERFRIEND
There are countless reasons many furry, feathery, and scaly companions find their way to animal shelters. The pet could have health problems, or their family might have new members or have moved to a new area. April 30th recognizes Adopt a Shelter Pet Day, a day to call attention to the thousands of companions who are counting down to that magical moment that they find their forever home! Many folks who cannot adopt spend time volunteering at a shelter to spread the love. I am very fortunate this year as I found myself in a position to honor this holiday, Hammy, Kevin, and I welcomed Coulee, a rambunctious mutt, into our prickle. Sometimes the days are long, and the nights are short, but there is no doubt this shelter pup has made our home even happier!
If you would like to see your cutie featured, please click on the photo above. This will take you to a Weekly Cuties submission form. We're always looking for new celebrities!
#1. Pinot Grigio, nicknamed "Pinot," is a 6-month-old Mini-Lop who loves to sit and eat her Timothy and Oat Hay! This spirited bun also loves all her chew toys! Marty is a rescue bunny who loves 1st and 2nd cut Timothy Hay. This resilient bun lost an ear due to frostbite, but that makes no difference. He is the sweetest, friendliest bunny!
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Rabbit page.
#2. No Hay-ters allowed! Fig is a female Guinea Pig adopted from the Upland California animal shelter; she now lives with 2 other pigs in Long Beach, California. This sweet, protective pig is guarding her precious Small Pet Select 2nd Cutting Timothy Hay!
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Guinea Pig page.
#3. Jax is relaxing after chowing down on leafy, soft Orchard Hay! This loveable bun was adopted from a shelter and is the perfect fit for his human. He is loved more than his human thought possible!
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Hay page.
#4. Cyrus is a plucky chinchilla that was adopted from a local shelter. It took quite a bit of time, but this fun-loving chin blossomed into a fantastic little guy. Cyrus has playtime daily in the bathroom. He loves to run all over, but he really enjoys sitting on his human while reading in “his corner”!
Simon, an American shorthair guinea pig, is around 4.5 years old. This resolute, sweet, calm pig has a few tooth and mouth issues, so the 3rd cut Timothy Hay is great for him. Simon also looooves Meadow Loops, especially when his human breaks them up for him.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Guinea Pig page.
#5. Morris, darker-faced lop, was excited to meet his new girl, Daisy! With these two cuddle buns, bonding was easy. Both rescue buns love 2nd and 3rd cut Timothy hay. However, Morris and Daisy get really excited when it is Healthy Snackers time!
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Healthy Snacks and Chews

UK friends, send us your photos.
We can't wait to feature you. Cheers!
#6. Forest is an English Lop rabbit rescued from a rough situation in upstate New York. Now in his new home, this lucky bun enjoys ear and face rubs while being close to his new human. Forest's favorite Small Pet Select item is definitely the Herbal Blends Sampler; he goes nuts for it every morning. After breakfast, you can usually find Forest napping in the sun, living his best life!
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Hay page.
#7. Nibbles found her forever home after a journey from a shelter this week. This curious cavy relishes the fun of tossing her Ball Trio and savors the flavor of soft, nutritious Orchard Hay.
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Guinea Pig page.
#8. Scout is a happy, cuddly rescue boy and doting husbun to Willow. Scout loves climbing, snacking on fresh Oat Hay, and relaxing. He fills his forever home with so much love. Willow is a beautiful and very sassy calico. This go-getter is definitely a professional bunstruction project manager. Willow tolerates affection from her lady human but is super bonded to her husbun, Scout.
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Rabbit page.
#9. Bun Bun spent a bit of time at a shelter but is now ecstatic to be in his forever home, where he settled in and became very well adjusted. This good boy spritzes himself with a little Pestavert to stay clean and healthy all year long!
Small Pet Select UK Friends- Here's your link to our Remedies and Supplements page.
#10. Benny is an almost 4-year-old rescue rabbit and a playful mix of angora and lionhead. He loves jumping through his new Wonderland Play Table and scratching away until he's too tired to play! This darling bun's favorites are the Healthy Snackers and the Oat Fidget Sticks.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Habitat and Accessories page.
Weekly free discount code fine print:
For our friends shopping in the United States:
- Free shipping on your entire order (up to $39.99 in products; if you order $40.00 of products, you get free shipping anyway).
- Valid from the Saturday it's issued until the following Friday (April 30, 2022, 12:00 AM EST to May 6, 2022, 11:59 EST).
- Limit of 1 use per customer.
- Cannot be combined with any other promo code or coupon.
- Cannot be used with subscription orders.
- Only applies to orders placed on and shipped to an address in the Continental United States (not Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories, or Canada).
For our friends shopping in the United Kingdom:
- 15% off of all orders placed on
- Valid from the Saturday it's issued until the following Friday (April 30, 2022, 12:00 AM EST to May 6, 2022, 11:59 EST).
- Limit of 1 use per customer.
- Cannot be combined with any other promo code or coupon.
- Cannot be used with subscription orders.
We sincerely appreciate all the pigtures and stories people email us, post on our social media accounts, and in our reviews. Watch this space; the cutie you submit to us just may make an appearance!
DISCLAIMER: The links and information are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Small Pet Select of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual.
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