Free Discount Code: WC-SPILLEDMILK
"Don't cry over spilled milk. By this time tomorrow it'll be free yogurt."
~Stephen Colbert
Find the silver lining and look on the bright side of things; this is often easier said than done. February 11th celebrates Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day, a day to encourage us to focus on the positive and try not to sweat the small stuff. Mistakes happen, and when it can't be undone, sometimes all it takes is some time with our furry, feathery, or scaly friends to appreciate the important things in life.
If you would like to see your cutie featured, please click on the photo above. This will take you to a Weekly Cuties submission form. We're always looking for new celebrities!
#1. Barley and Peppercorn have no problem appreciating the important things in life, binkying, fresh hay, and of course, cuddles with their humans. These vivacious buns relish the unmatched feel of dust-free, Soft Paper Bedding.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Bedding page.
#2. Drake and Rio are two rowdy buns who can spend days bounding through tunnels and hopping on boxes! These fuzzy buddies savor the Timothy hay and carrot mix in Country Loops along with Timothy hay and thyme in Meadow Loops.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Healthy Snacks and Treats page.
#3. Mila and Cleo enjoy chomping and chewing on their new Clover Rings and flavorful Buckwheat Chain, containing all the goodness of leaf, flower, and stem! These cheerful pigs take great pleasure in rolling, tossing, and nudging the willow, meadow, and twine balls in the Ball Trio.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Natural Toys and Chews page.
#4. Frodo Bunnyggins is very special to his humans! After a too short, loving journey with his sister, Pippin Berserker, Frodo's humans went back to the shelter to rescue him! Frodo Bunnyggins is a very adventurous boy; he never hesitates in an undertaking, either exploring Garden Sticks or foraging for Dried Banana. This lively bun nibbles on Premium Rabbit Food Pellets for strength and motivation on long quests.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Rabbit page.
#5. Strawberry is a 2-year-old guinea pig who loves Orchard Hay. This saucy pig enjoys a roll in the hay and then a slumber! For a little edible entertainment, Strawberry chews on Oat Fidget Sticks, a great source of fiber.
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Natural Snacks and Treats page.

UK friends, send us your photos.
We can't wait to feature you. Cheers!
#6. Gypsy and Harley delight in the leaf, stem, and seed heads of 2nd cut Timothy Hay for flavor and energy! This curious pair wastes no time worrying about mistakes, the dynamic duo springs forward to what comes next.
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Rabbit page.
#7. Lola is a sweetheart Satin with a very decorative broken black and white pattern. This darling, soft bun was rescued from a fabulous animal shelter, Red Door in Chicago. Lola is calm and loving; she settled right into her new forever home! She loves her 2nd cut Timothy Hay and tasty Meadow Loops and Garden Sticks from Small Pet Select. For a little foraging excitement, Lola seeks out Vita-Licious Herbal Blend.
Small Pet Select UK Friends- Here's your link to our Herbal Blends page.
#8. Peppa is a perky, lovable 18-month-old Holland Lop. She loves playing pick-up sticks with her Oat and 2nd cut Timothy Hay. This spunky, free-roaming bun munches on Premium Rabbit Food Pellets for crunch and energy!
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Food page.
#9. Rascal and Luna love their Small Pet Select 2nd cut Timothy Hay. This lively pair couldn't wait to chow down on the nutritious meal!
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Hay page.
#10. Binky savors the mix of 2nd cut Timothy and Orchard Hay! This quick-witted bun knows you can't beat the blend of seed heads, stems, and soft leaves in the hay variety.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Rabbit page.
Weekly free discount code fine print:
For our friends shopping in the United States:
- Free shipping on your entire order (up to $39.99 in products; if you order $40.00 of products, you get free shipping anyway).
- Valid from the Saturday it's issued until the following Friday (February 5, 2021, 12:00 AM EST to February 10, 2021, 11:59 EST).
- Limit of 1 use per customer.
- Cannot be combined with any other promo code or coupon.
- Cannot be used with subscription orders.
- Only applies to orders placed on and shipped to an address in the Continental United States (not Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories, or Canada).
For our friends shopping in the United Kingdom:
- 5% off of all orders placed on
- Valid from the Saturday it's issued until the following Friday (February 5, 2021, 12:00 AM EST to February 10, 2021, 11:59 EST).
- Limit of 1 use per customer.
- Cannot be combined with any other promo code or coupon.
- Cannot be used with subscription orders.
We sincerely appreciate all the pigtures and stories people email us, post on our social media accounts, and in our reviews. Watch this space; the cutie you submit to us just may make an appearance!
DISCLAIMER: The links and information are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Small Pet Select of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual.
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