Free Discount Code: WC-FATHERSDAY2022
"Father's Day: When you get that lethal combination of alcohol and new power tools." ~David Letterman
The men we look up to, who set an outstanding example, who help guide us throughout our lives deserve at least one day to get a little crazy! Sunday, June 19, recognizes those gentlemen who have selflessly devoted themselves to helping us grow ❤️.
If you would like to see your cutie featured, please click on the photo above. This will take you to a Weekly Cuties submission form. We're always looking for new celebrities!
#1. Mow Mow is a beautiful crested guinea pig who loves cuddles and being brushed. This rascally pig’s favourite treats are Pea Flakes and apple slices; can't beat that nutrition and flavour!
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Guinea Pig page.
#2. Matzo B. Chompers very much enjoys hopping on top of his Wonderland Play Table and nibbling on his Meadow Loops. He runs over and jumps onto his human's leg when he hears the rustling of the Meadow Loops bag. As you can see, this wild child loves his 2nd cut Timothy! He is not afraid to jump right into the pile and start munching.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Habitat and Accessories page.
#3. Perry is an adorable, cheeky, determined little rascal of a chinchilla. He loves all Small Pet Select hays, and his favorite has to be Alfalfa. This spirited chin also loves to eat all the bark off the Small Organic Apple Chew Sticks! He is such a character and a cutie; he and his human are each others' worlds.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Chinchilla page.
#4. Sterling Archer is enjoying the treats in his Gourmet Hay after nibbling on Premium Rabbit Food Pellets. This suave bun also delights in the Timothy hay and thyme mix in the Meadow Loops!
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Food page.
#5. Jack Jack and Gus Gus watch their human work every day, patiently counting down the hours until their Healthy Snackers Treats! Jack Jack's favorite is Banana, and Gus Gus likes Carrot & Pineapple best. So after munching on 2nd cut Timothy Hay, Gus Gus cuddled up for a snooze.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Healthy Snacks and Treats page.

UK friends, send us your photos.
We can't wait to feature you. Cheers!

#6. Kiwi and Chunk are two cuddly buns we are not afraid to snuggle up to their carrots. These playful rabbits' favorite is 3rd cut Timothy Hay; they munch for hours and hours!
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Hay page.
#7. Shadow and Midnight are checking out their new boxes of Loop Treats: Country, Meadow, and Woodland Loops; they have them all! It looks like the pea and mint mix in Garden Sticks are their new favorite.
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Rabbit page.
#8. Snowball comes bounding so fast when he hears the Alfalfa Hay Cubes come out...nothing can slow this bun down!
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Natural Toys and Chews page.
#9. Roary is a Himalayan Lionhead mix, a soft, sweet boy who loves his treats. This curious bun delights in Vita-Licious herbal blends and Gourmet Hay. Thumper is not a patient bunny; he hopped into the Gourmet Hay box right away. This super friendly, intelligent, and active bun follows his humans around, earning the nickname PuppyBunny!
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Hay page.
#10. Layla found her forever home on June 2nd of 2020; she has grown so much and developed a stunning, sassy personality! Her favorite thing is climbing boxes and begging for delicious Healthy Snacker Mini Cookies treats.
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Healthy Snackers and Treats page.
Weekly free discount code fine print:
For our friends shopping in the United States:
- Free shipping on your entire order (up to $39.99 in products; if you order $40.00 of products, you get free shipping anyway).
- Valid from the Saturday it's issued until the following Friday June 18, 2022, 12:00 AM EST to June 24, 2022, 11:59 EST).
- Limit of 1 use per customer.
- Cannot be combined with any other promo code or coupon.
- Cannot be used with subscription orders.
- Only applies to orders placed on and shipped to an address in the Continental United States (not Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories, or Canada).
For our friends shopping in the United Kingdom:
- 10% off of all orders placed on
- Valid from the Saturday it's issued until the following Friday (June 18, 2022, 12:00 AM EST to June 24, 2022, 11:59 EST).
- Limit of 1 use per customer.
- Cannot be combined with any other promo code or coupon.
- Cannot be used with subscription orders.
We sincerely appreciate all the pigtures and stories people email us, post on our social media accounts, and in our reviews. Watch this space; the cutie you submit to us just may make an appearance!
DISCLAIMER: The links and information are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Small Pet Select of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual.
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