Chapter 41 - Thankful
There was nothing Dad liked to do better on Thanksgiving than spend quiet time with his bunnies. Dad gently stroked Bentley’s ears. Bentley, his English Spot, was the longest bun resident at the House of Buns, having lived here for over six years.
“Happy Thanksgiving, Bentley,” said Dad as he gave him a kiss on the head. Bentley opened his eyes and thought, “Happy Thanksgiving, Dad.”
Dad asked, “What are you most thankful for?” Bentley pondered for a moment and thought, “I’ll always be thankful for that day you came to rescue me at the shelter. I thought it was curtains for me, but instead, I found my forever home! I have plenty of space all to myself, lots of food and treats, a clean litter box, and a Dad who loves me! Life turned out pretty good!”
Bentley wondered, “What are you thankful for, Dad?”
Dad thought about it for a moment before he replied, “Well, I guess what I’m thankful for is all the little things that add up to allow me to have this experience with you and the other buns here. I’m thankful I’m at a point in my life where I have the time and money to take proper care of you. I’m thankful that we have a house big enough for five rabbits to roam free. I’m thankful that we have a big yard that’s safe for your wild cousins. Even when I’m doing mundane rabbit chores, like getting fresh greens for you guys, I’m thankful that I get to drive my dune buggy – which I always wanted as a kid – to the produce market – which is only ten minutes away.” Dad chuckled, “And, I’m thankful that I’m still agile enough to get down on the floor with you – and get back up!”
Dad knew that this would not last forever. As he got older, he would probably have to move to a smaller, lower maintenance place and give up his precious House of Buns. But until then, he was going to enjoy every moment he could with his cherished rabbits.
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