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Chapter 26 – Bunny Boot Camp

Chapter 26 - Bunny Boot Camp

Mocha and Hobo watched the stranger set down their dinner tray. “Is she our new sitter?” asked Hobo. Mocha replied, “I think so.” Hobo ran over to the tray to inspect it. “Well, everything looks right!” he declared as he grabbed a slice of banana. Mocha followed him to the tray and dug in.

Dad explained, “Hey boys, this is Krickett. She’s going to look after you while I’m on vacation.” Krickett knelt down on the floor and introduced herself. She gave them some head rubs. Both Mocha and Hobo stopped eating to enjoy the head rubs. Mocha even started purring. “Hey, she’s good at this!” he said. Hobo agreed. It had to be good for him to stop eating.  

This was Krickett’s second training session. In the first session, Dad took her shopping at the produce market to show her how he selected the produce and what to buy. Then, he demonstrated how to wash and prepare the greens, and how to assemble the eight trays of food for the five house rabbits and two dozen or so wild cousins outside. Although Dad fed the rabbits twice a day, while he was gone, they would only get fed once a day. Unlimited hay would keep them from starving between meals.

For the second training session, he let Krickett prepare the dinner trays and deliver them herself. Krickett was used to her two-bedroom apartment, not a two story house. With eight litter boxes to change, eight dinner trays to prepare and deliver, hay mangers to restock, and water bowls to change, it was quite the workout. “This is physically demanding!” she said, “After two weeks of this, I’m going to be in great shape. It’s like bunny boot camp!”

Dad’s goal was to disrupt the House of Buns bunnies’ routine as little as possible by letting them stay in their own territory and eat the food they were used to. Krickett’s goal was to deliver service as close as she could to what they were used to. It was going to be a lot of work, but she was determined to meet the challenge.

Although he’d miss his kids, Dad felt better knowing that they would be well cared for.

Mocha and Hobo meet their new sitter.

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