Chapter 2 - Enzo the Novelist
Enzo stared at the blank computer screen in front of him. “I don’t know what to write about,” he fretted. Belinda had asked him to take over as “Resident Novelist” for Small Pet Select, so they could continue Abigail’s legacy. He was honored, but writing was not his strong suit. Give him some fleece to dig or a willow branch he could sink his teeth into. He was good at that!
Just then, Dad passed by and asked, “How’s your first chapter going?” Enzo looked up at Dad with a dismayed look and thought, “Dis not a good idea. My English not good. I not know what to write.” Dad sat down beside him, gave him a pet, and suggested, “Just talk about anything that you think would help people understand rabbits or what it’s like to have house rabbits – like your relationship with Merlot – or how you trained me to give you treats. You’ll be fine. The first chapter is always the hardest. It gets easier after that. And don’t worry about your English. I’ll fix it. Just get your idea down.”
Enzo thought, “OK. I do dat. I work on my English, too!”
Dad said encouragingly, “You know, Enzo, Abigail would be so proud of you for taking over her novel. She’d be very grateful. It was really important to her to make the world a better place for rabbits.”
Enzo would not want to disappoint Abigail, but it was not going to be easy. As Belinda had said, “He’s got little shoes to fill.”
Enzo thought, “OK. I do my berry best. I make Abigail proud!”

Meet Enzo, Small Pet Select's new "Resident Novelist."
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