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Chapter 28 – Supersized to Hobo-sized

Chapter 28 - Supersized to Hobo-sized

Hobo and Mocha stood up as the door flew open. In came Dad, carrying a big box. “Hi boys. I brought you a new hidey box,” he announced. Whenever they finished a 20 lb box of Small Pet Select hay, Dad would cut a couple of rabbit-sized semi-circle holes in the sides and give the box to the rabbits to play in. He was careful to leave the “crumbs” on the bottom of the box for them to forage. Dad switched out the old box, which was on the verge of collapsing, and replaced it with the fresh new box.

Being curious rabbits, Mocha and Hobo hopped over to investigate. Mocha, who was about half the size of Hobo, slipped through the door and looked around. “It’s nice in here,” he said, nibbling on some hay crumbs. Hobo looked at the doors. They were fine for Mocha, but they were going to need some supersizing for him to fit through them comfortably. Time for some bunstruction!

A few hours later, Dad passed by the Starship Bunnyprise and heard some ripping sounds. He peered in the door and asked, “Do I hear somebun doing some bunstruction in here?” Dad walked over to the hidey box, where the sound was coming from.

There stood Hobo, proud as can be, in the middle of his super-sized doorway, with cardboard pieces scattered all around. Hobo thought, “Look, Dad. I Hobo-sized the doors! Dad smiled. Indeed, the door was custom-shaped, just for him. He gave Hobo a pet and said, “Good job, big guy! Looks great!”

Secretly, Dad was happy that Hobo got hours of entertainment from a cardboard box.

Hobo supersizes the entrance to the hidey box.

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