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Chapter 25 – Vacation Planning

Chapter 25 - Vacation Planning

It had been six years since Dad had taken a vacation. Oh sure, he had business trips since then, but he always kept those as short as possible, usually four days. For his vacation, he planned to be gone on a road trip for two weeks – the longest he had ever been away from the rabbits.

Before he could even plan his trip, he needed to figure out rabbit care. Without rabbit care, there was no trip. Life was much simpler at the House of Buns the last time he took a vacation. There was just Abigail and Bentley to take care of. Now, the daily routine was much more complicated. There were five house rabbits living in three parts of the house, plus the five Café Bunz that needed to be stocked for the two dozen or so wild cousins living in the yard. It was going to take someone special to do this every day. Someone who truly loved rabbits.

Fortunately, Dad knew just that someone. Her name was Krickett. Krickett had four rabbits of her own, including Daffodil, whom she adopted when Abigail tried to find a home for the long-term shelter bunny last year. (See Chapter 264.) Coincidentally, Krickett’s office was across the street from the produce market where Dad shopped for greens and the House of Buns was on her way home from work, so it would be relatively convenient. To Dad’s relief, Krickett agreed to look after his babies. He would be able to relax and enjoy his vacation, knowing they would be in caring hands.

There were so many other rabbit care details to look after as well. Hardwiring the rabbit cams so their batteries wouldn’t die while he was gone. Setting up a faster network so he could look in on the ten cameras while he was away. Establishing a billing account at the produce market so she could charge the greens. Preordering enough hay and pellets to last two weeks. Stocking up on enough towels for all the litter boxes to last two weeks. Harvesting enough willow to last two weeks. Creating an “in case of emergency” list with rabbit statistics, vet contacts, and backup care. Creating a shopping list for greens. And last but not least, creating a spreadsheet detailing how much of each item each food tray received for each rabbit. By comparison, the actual trip planning seemed simple!

Next, he had to “train” Krickett on the routine. Would she be up to the task?

Can Dad find someone to prepare the daily meals for the rabbits while he's on vacation?

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