Today we’re talking about a guinea pig’s internal clock. It’s good to know when your buddy is going to be ready to party so you can link up your schedules. Are guinea pigs nocturnal? Guinea pigs don’t actually use that word for themselves. They’re crepuscular!
Crepuscular is used to describe an animal that’s most active at dawn and dusk (when the sun is low in the sky). Crepuscular comes from the Latin word crepusculum which means twilight!
Nocturnals are animals that are most active at night. Diurnal is used to describe animals that are most active during the day. Yes! Humans are diurnal.
Luckily, diurnal beings and crepuscular beings can be the best of friends. Humans with their busy work schedules are usually most active in the evenings anyway.
Guinea pigs (and humans) certainly aren’t only active during these times. It’s just when they’re most active and when their internal clock might be giving them more energy.

What’s So Great About Twilight?
A domestic guinea pig’s natural instincts are still very active inside of them! Guinea pigs are prey animals which means their natural instincts are based on survival. The guinea pigs who got things done at twilight had better chances of avoiding predators.
Predators are generally most active at night and during the day. This makes those in-between hours the perfect time to forage, load up on goodies, and visit a friend.
By keeping themselves busy when the sun is low, they’re able to spend less time in extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Guinea pigs don’t have any sweat glands so it’s important that they keep themselves cool and stay out of the heat!
Will My Guinea Pig Keep Me Up At Night?
While a cavy’s natural instincts have them up at twilight, there is of course plenty of variation among different personalities. Some will be active at night and others active during the day.
Guinea pigs only sleep 4-6 hours a day. That leaves a lot of time to be awake! How active they are when awake is what will vary. If you interact with your guinea pig a lot during the day they’re more likely to shift a bit to your schedule.
However, imagine having a roommate that only needed 4 hours of sleep! They might keep you up at night too. For this reason, it’s best not to have your guinea pig’s enclosure in the same room you sleep in.
While these party animals don’t like to sleep a lot they don’t make nearly as much noise as a human roommate. Just be mindful of where you have their enclosure and you’ll be very happy together.

Ah, yes. Make sure you have your cavy’s enclosure in a low-traffic area where they aren’t having their day interrupted by loud noises any more than they need to be! Prey animals need a lot of reassurance to feel safe.
Scheduling Time With Your Guinea Pig
Don’t make the mistake of thinking your guinea pig is active while you’re sleeping and therefore doesn’t need much time with you. Guinea pigs love their humans! You play a key role in fulfilling their emotional and social needs.
Make sure your pet feels taken care of and loved by you. Your guinea pig’s bond with you is something that develops over time with consistent time spent together.
Create a schedule and routine that your pet can count on! If you can plan your visits with your cavy around the same time every day that will give them predictability and thus more security.
If you schedule that time when the sun is low they’re more likely to bring their energy and show you their personality! Use toys and treats to make this time more fun for everyone.
Saskia is talking about how to hold a guinea pig on YouTube!
Are Some Guinea Pigs Nocturnal?
It’s certainly possible you have a night owl and it seems like they sleep all day and are awake all night. Just try and capitalize on those in-between hours where your schedules likely overlap.
Some guinea pigs seem to have more energy than others. Age plays a role in how active your cavy is as well. While they aren’t sleeping, they may just seem interested in lounging.
Have plenty of enrichment available to them if they want it. Make sure their enclosure is large enough! One guinea pig needs at least 7.5 square feet of space.
Provide toys and foraging opportunities to keep their minds active. They need time outside of their enclosure to keep their bodies active as well.
Sometimes a lazy guinea pig is simply one with nothing better to do. Make sure you’re giving them something better to do! Go party friends!
Living in the UK? We've Got You Covered! Check out the links below to guinea pig care products discussed in the blog:
We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice.
Before adding any new product, please consult your exotic veterinarian. If your pet is acting unwell and you have concerns for their well being, please contact your vet immediately.