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Katherine Milligan

Tyzzers Disease in hamsters

Tyzzer’s Disease in Hamsters

Tyzzer’s disease is an serious condition, an infection caused by the bacteria Clostridium piliforme. It’s highly contagious and can be passed from hamster to hamster very, very quickly… so if you suspect one of your hamsters has Tyzzer’s, separate them immediately.CAUSES?More often found in young or stressed hamsters (Tyzzer’s can also be found in many other … Continue Reading

Best books for rat owners

Best Books on Rats

So, we all love a good book, right? But I love-love a good book when it’s about… you guessed it… rats! There are some really great books out there that don’t just tell us, but show us why rats are one of the best companions. Ever.Misunderstood, Rachel ToorSo, as you all probably already know, I’m … Continue Reading

Can rats eat cheese

Can Rats Eat Cheese?

Can rats eat cheese? And, if so, can you give rats cheese as a treat? Rats will eat almost everything you give them, and, although they will eat cheese if it’s given to them, they don’t quite see it as a treat. In fact, cheese is seen as just another food by most rats. Although … Continue Reading

Chinchilla Bond Mates, if you don't double check, can lead to unwanted pregnancy when adopting

Planning on Having a Bond Mate for your Chinchilla? …Make Doubly Sure They’re the Same Sex

I recently heard a story about a chin owner that I think we need to talk more about, dealing with chinchilla unexpected pregnancy. I’m going to call the hooman Chris (it’s not his real name, but it’s my husband’s… so I’ll remember what I named him throughout his story. Hopefully.)Chris’s StoryChris had adopted a bonded pair … Continue Reading

Default blog image: a guinea pig

Huh? Pasteurella?

Pasteurella. It kind of sounds like one of Cinderella’s evil step sisters, doesn’t it? Which is actually kind of fitting, because this bacteria? Well, it’s pretty nasty. Pasteurella multocida is the scientific name, but those who have trouble remembering long scientific names, like me, call it “snuffles.” Snuffles sounds pretty harmless. Actually it sounds cute, like a little stuffed … Continue Reading

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