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Belinda Says Hay: “Travel Tips”

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog. "Travel Tips" Oct 1 2023

Hello. It's Belinda.

This is just a quick blog today.

I know I always say that but this time it's true. 

The thing is, I'm in a bit of a "time crunch." I'm packing for a trip.

You might be wondering where I'm going and the truth is I don't know.

I just think it's good to have a "go bag."

It doesn't have to be fancy. Start with a suitcase or a big tote. 

Pack it  with snackers, hay and a blanket. 

Don't forget something to chew. Willow sticks don't take up much room. 

Not sure what else to toss in there.

OK I'm not supposed to be writing about my chores.

"Back to business."

I want to remind everyone that Midwest BunFest is next weekend. 

Saturday, October 7, at the Sheraton Suites Columbus Worthington. That's in Ohio.

Small Pet Select is a sponsor again this year. Be sure to stop by our table.

We'll have hay samples you can try. Plus different flavors of Healthy Snackers

"And more."

Not sure who will be staffing the table. It's the perfect job for a rabbit in my opinion. Think about it. 

Anyway October is a nice time for a little road trip. There's a lot to do in the fall. And not just in Ohio.

My friend Teri O. lives in the UK. She wrote in the comments that she's going to a bun fest in "Birmingham."  That's by her house. 

It's on the same day as Midwest BunFest. Saturday, October 7. 

How about that.

In her comment, Teri gave me a good "travel tip."

She said "make sure you take lots of food and water with you and have a good time."

This is where it gets tricky.  

You can't put a bowl of water into a suitcase or tote. Ask me how I know.

Also I can't reach the faucet to fill up a thermos. Not that I have a thermos except "in my mind."

OK it's time to finish this blog. I'm sorry it's all over the place.

It's hard to focus when you're looking forward to a trip.

Not that I'm going anywhere.

If you have any advice about how to pack water or other "essentials," let me know in the comments. 

In the meantime, I hope you have a good week. "Take a nap." 



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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