Happy 2020! Can you believe it’s already a brand new year? We can’t. But now that we’re in the swing of it, it’s the perfect time to think about what you’d like to achieve in the next 12 months. For both yourself and your small animals, why not ring in 2020 by setting some goals you both can work to achieve? From eating healthier and losing weight (or gaining some) to finding a new way to relax, we’ve compiled some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions for your little guy or gal, along with the pet supplies you can purchase online that will help you achieve them.
Find a New Year’s resolution that will best suit your pet below, and learn how you can start 2020 on the right paw. 🐾🐾
New Year’s Resolution: Lose Weight
Many of us are no stranger to wanting to lose a few pounds after the holidays. And your little friend is no exception! If your bun, cavy, chin, or small animal could use a little extra help slimming down, here are the delicious snacks that can help:
Timothy Hay
Timothy hay (especially 2nd cutting) can help your little friend enjoy a healthy diet. It’s full of the fiber, protein, and fat they need to stay slim. If your pet needs to lose more weight, 1st cutting Timothy hay is even better because it’s a little lower in protein (meaning that your bunny, guinea pig, chinchilla, or hamster can munch away without worrying about the calories).
Treats are a fun way to reward or train your bunny, guinea pig, chin or hamster, but be cautious because they can often be full of calories. This new year, substitute the high-sugar treats for all-natural options: treats made with hay or healthy fruits and veggies. Remember though… no veggies or fruits if you have a chin.
Our garden sticks are a big favorite with guinea pigs because they are full of fiber and not sugar (ya know, the yucky stuff). They contain ground Timothy hay, alfalfa hay, oat flour, ground dried locust beans, ground peas, linseeds, soya oil, dried peppermint leaves, and peppermint oil. All yummy and natural ingredients.
You can buy all of these pet supplies online, as well as many more. (Tip: start from our homepage and browse all of our categories to see what catches your eye!)
Another way to help your friend lose a little weight is to make sure they get plenty of exercise. Most small animals are full of energy and when they have nowhere to spend this energy, they may become sad or destructive. So be sure to give them plenty of toys and chews.
New Year’s Resolution: Keep a Cleaner Home
Did you know that many small animals are neat freaks? They love keeping their homes clean. Help them out this new year by giving them everything they need to keep their home clean. Hay mangers are a great way for buns to enjoy their delicious hay without making a mess everywhere. Or, digging boxes are a fun way to prevent a mess and give your bun or guinea pig a way to dig… one of their favorite things to do.
Also, make your life easier by purchasing stainless steel food and water bowls, which are typically dishwasher safe. (Make sure to read the full description and check out the reviews when you’re buying these kinds of pet supplies online… since you won’t be able to physically look at them until they arrive.)
New Year’s Resolution: Be More Social
Even the shyest animals can be more social this new year with care, attention, and patience. Do you have a shy little guy? There tons of ways to help them feel comfortable around you and your guests. A few tips when socializing your animal:
- Never make them do something they don’t feel comfortable with. Our pets have sensitive feelings, so if they are forced into a situation where they’re scared, they may shy away even more.
- Always be patient when socializing. The House Rabbit Society reminds us that rabbits, unlike dogs and cats, evolved as a prey species. Bunny owners might find that it’s harder to win the trust of their pet than it is to win the heart of a dog or cat, who often trust you from birth.
- Work with your bun or other friend every day to help them feel more comfortable with you. Building trust is the goal.
- If you have other pets in your house, make sure to isolate your small animal so they can enjoy their time in a quiet, stress-free space. This calm home will help them feel much better.
Our job as pet parents is to give our little guys and gals the best life possible. Safely socializing them and never forcing them to do anything they don’t want to will make both you and your friend feel better.
New Year’s Resolution: Relax
Did you know that our little fuzzies get stressed, too? While their stressors aren’t the same as ours (they don’t have the in-laws visiting or that big client pitch, after all), it’s important for us to learn about this stress and how we can help.

As we mentioned before, small animals (bunnies, guinea pigs, chins) are prey animals and this makes them feel stressed in certain situations. This new year, look out for:
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Aggressive noises
- Isolation
- Depression
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- Decreased appetite
- Lethargy
So what can you do to help? There are lots of remedies and supplements you can get that help with digestion, stress relief, and immune system strength. These are all natural and super safe for your little family.
Another great choice is an herbal blend. Depending on what your pet needs, we have herbal blends that help relieve stress when traveling and that help your friend channel their inner zen, as well as some all-around great superfood blends. Help your animal be their best self in 2020. They’ll thank you.
New Year’s Resolution: Sleep Better
There are few things more important for your little one than their bedding. After all, it’s where they sleep and play (and even where they go potty… sometimes). So make it good. Soft paper bedding is sure to give them a good night’s rest going into the new year. Or, you can choose some shaved aspen wood that is soft, healthy, and good for the environment… it’s totally compostable.
Rabbits sleep about 8.5 hours a day, guinea pigs sleep about four hours a day, and chinchillas sleep around 12 hours a day, so give them some bedding they’ll love and be able to catch some really great Zs on.
New Year’s Resolution: Stay Beautifully Groomed
The last few things that you need to add to your list for 2020 are grooming tools. Small animals love to stay fresh and clean. And while they’ll do a little grooming themselves, the hoomans need to do a little work, too. Invest in a quality pair of nail clippers to trim those tiny little nails and make sure you have a comb or grooming mitt on hand. Regularly grooming your animal will keep them looking healthy and feeling their very best. Check in with your exotic vet for guidance on how to do this correctly if you’re unsure.
Why Buy Pet Supplies Online
There are many reasons why families decide to buy their pet supplies online: convenient delivery, subscribe and save options, and quality guarantees are just a few. Some other reasons why buying online rocks?
- Lugging a few pounds of hay up and down the stairs (especially if you live in a city apartment), can be quite the ordeal. If you have a hungry friend on your hands, you’re going to get your exercise going back and forth from the store. And then the climbing. Yeesh. When you buy your pet supplies online, though, we do that for you. No need to wear yourself out when you can have first class supplies delivered right to your doorstep. #Winning.
- Subscribe and save programs not only save you money, but they assure that you’ll never run out of hay or other supplies for your little fuzzy.
- Sometimes, you can get your pet supplies faster when you order online. At Small Pet Select, our average shipping time is less than 2 days. Signed, sealed, and delivered.
The pet supplies mentioned are a great way to help your critter achieve their New Year’s resolutions. Whether the goal is to lose a little weight, make new friends, or have a silky, shiny coat, you can help them out with the best, most natural pet supplies around.