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Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, Jan 21, 2024: "Treats, Snacks and Hay"

Belinda Says Hay: “Treats, Snacks & Hay”

Hello. It’s Belinda. It’s about three degrees outside. That’s according to my roommate. She hasn’t left the house all week. Says it’s “too cold to drive.” The thing is, her car has a heater. I’ve gone for rides in the winter. It’s fine.  She clears off the snow and gets things nice and “toasty” before she brings me … Continue Reading

rabbit exercise

Rabbit Exercise: Activities For a Happy, Healthy Bunny

     Rabbits need exercise just like we do! Or maybe even more than we do. According to The House Rabbit Society, “a bored rabbit is a naughty rabbit.” Rabbit exercise can free your pet from boredom and lower their stress! Which in return, lowers yours. Rabbits require a minimum of four hours of exercise for optimum physiological … Continue Reading

Belinda the spokesrabbit blog: Am I a Rabbit?

Belinda Says Hay: “Am I a Rabbit?”

Hello. It’s Belinda. Don’t tell anyone but I’m writing this a few days after Christmas. Not sure if it’s Tuesday or Wednesday. Could be Friday for all I know. The reason I don’t want anyone to know is I’m supposed to be “on vacation.” My roommate said spokesrabbits need time off just like everyone else. Well I’m not like … Continue Reading

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