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$1000 Giveaway from Belinda and Small Pet Select

Belinda Says Hay: “$1,000 Giveaway”

Hello. It’s Belinda. I have an important update about my big five-year anniversary giveaway.  But first things first. I want to thank everyone who has entered themselves and their favorite rescues.    Plus everyone who shared my blog with their friends. “The more the merrier” in my opinion. The whole thing is off to a great start which means I … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “My $1,000 Giveaway Begins Today!”

Hello. It’s Belinda. Oh boy. This is it. My big announcement. I’m giving away $1000 in Small Pet Select goodies to four lucky winners. Two individuals. Two rescues. That’s $1000 each to spend on anything on our website. I’ve been waiting months to announce this. Haven’t slept in days if you want to know the truth. Get all the details and enter here. And … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “It’s Not My 5-Year Anniversary”

Hello. It’s Belinda. I hope you’re not shocked by the headline. It will make sense in a minute. Well today is the day. Five years since I put on my “spokesrabbit cap.” Just kidding. I don’t wear caps. Not with these ears. My big 5-year anniversary surprise will launch next Sunday. You won’t want to miss it. “Months in … Continue Reading

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