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Belinda Says Hay: “What Should I Write About Next Week?”

Hello. It’s Belinda. How many times can you rewrite a sentence before you give up? “Asking for a friend.” That’s not true. I’m asking for me. I’m working on my blog for next weekend. My fifth anniversary on the job. I can’t believe it. I have a big surprise planned for everyone so that part’s done. Which is a big … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog "Big Plans for My Fifth Anniversary"

Belinda Says Hay: “Big Plans for My Fifth Anniversary”

Hello. It’s Belinda. My fifth anniversary on the job is coming up in a few weeks. September 3. I’m working on something big to celebrate. You’re going to love it. But first I want to celebrate something else. I am “over the moon” with how nice everyone is who reads this blog. I’m talking about all the messages to … Continue Reading

Belinda the Spokesrabbit: Bedtime Story by Me

Belinda Says Hay: “Bedtime Story by Me”

Hello. It’s Belinda. Today is the big day. The final bedtime story from the “slumber party” my roommate hosted on the bottom level. You can read my roommate’s story here. Little Fang told one too. It’s what you might expect.   The English stole his. It’s pretty good.  Now it’s my turn and I’m a little nervous to tell … Continue Reading

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