Foraging. It’s what’s for dinner. Well, actually, it’s what you do to get your dinner. One way, at least. Let's talk rabbit foraging.
Small animals spend a lot of time foraging. Think searching the meadow, forest floor, garden. Any place to find all of the yummies they love to eat. Eating = activity and activity = good. So, as you can imagine, the search is as important as the food they find.
Anything to Eat in Here?
If we have domesticated rabbits who share indoor spaces, and searching meadows and forests isn’t really an option, how can we keep them busy and fulfill their instincts to find that grub via rabbit foraging?
Instead of just putting the hay, herbs, greens, pellets, or any other rabbit food in one eating area, make eating a game. (If someone told me I had to go on a scavenger hunt for my food, I’d probably keel over. Or whine a lot. Either I like food way too much, or I’m not a great game player. Good thing I’m not a rabbit.)
Anyway, hide a little bit of food in the tent. A little tiny snack in the corner beside their tunnel. (Have you heard about our mini-cookies? Don’t look now, but your rabbit is drooling. Also, they’re Belinda approved.) A little bunch of food near the back of their digging platform. Some at the far side of the room, behind your stack of “Animal Wellness” magazines. Or “People,” or Archie comics… whatever floats your boat. Try the kitchen, too, just where the sunlight comes in.
Now, help bunny go find all these stashes of goodness. The first few days, you’ll need to encourage and probably give some hints. Make sure your pal gets to all the food… we don’t want anybody going to bed hungry.
After a few days, they’ll catch on to this new way of doing things and they’ll head right out at food time, ready to play hide-and-seek... rabbit foraging will become the norm. Once they understand how to play, you’ll have to make sure they aren’t watching while you hide their food in the secret spots. Those sneaky little boogers will try to watch where you’re hiding their goodies for fast[er] food... like a six-year-old on Christmas morning at 4 AM, while everyone is still in bed, trying to sneak a peak at the awesomeness to come.
You can also have your BBF (best bunny forever) earn some of the food by teaching him his name and then calling him from the far side of the house. Ask him to hop to you. Or ask him to do some other specific task. We all feel better about ourselves when we do something right, and animals like to feel smart, too.
So, encourage rabbit foraging and go have an interactive meal with your friends. I promise, they’ll love it. And so will you.
Have you got any short movies or cute pics of your rabbit enjoying a game of find-the-food? Send them along! We'd love to see them.