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Guinea Pigs & Vitamin C: A Comprehensive Overview

guinea pigs vitamin C

When it comes to vitamin C, guinea pigs are a lot like us humans! Neither of our bodies manufacture their own vitamin C. We need to get it from our diets. Your guinea pig’s health depends on this. Vitamin C for guinea pigs doesn’t need to be complicated but is definitely a priority. 

Vitamin C helps with the maintenance of our cavies’ skin, joints, and gums. It also plays a big role in their bodies’ process to heal wounds! 

A deficiency in vitamin C can lead to scurvy. Signs of scurvy in a guinea pig are:

  • low energy

  • little or no appetite 

  • weight loss

  • joint pain

  • swollen or bleeding gums

  • hair loss

A vitamin C deficiency is definitely not something that you or your guinea pig want to deal with, and you don’t have to! Because today we're going over how to get your guinea pig the vitamin C they need to thrive. 

Saskia is talking all about the guinea pigs she cares for at the Los Angeles Guinea Pig Rescue and how they get their vitamin C on YouTube.

Where To Get Vitamin C For Guinea Pigs 

When you think of vitamin C, I bet fruits like oranges and apples come to mind. However, vitamin C is actually in a lot of vegetables as well! And in large amounts. 

Most guinea pigs need 10-20 mg of vitamin C each day.  An unhealthy guinea pig could need up to 100 mg of vitamin C. If you think your cavy is getting sick you could give them some extra veggies! (Works for us humans too!) 

But as always, the best person to care for your cavy if they’re sick is a guinea pig-savvy vet! If you think your guinea pig is unwell, always get them checked out at the vet. 

Our human bodies can handle much more sugar from fruits than a guinea pig’s can. So while, yes guinea pigs can eat some fruit and get some vitamin C, there are a lot of better sources!

How Much Fruit Can a Guinea Pig Have? 

Fruit should be thought of as an occasional treat. At the very most, you could give your guinea pig a piece of fruit once a day. Don’t hand over a whole apple though, a piece the size of a thumbprint is good! 

  • kiwi

  • oranges

  • guava

  • papaya

  • strawberries

  • blueberries

  • apples (without seeds)

  • mango

  • bananas

Too much fruit can mess with your cavy’s gut bacteria as fruit comes with a lot of sugar! This is perfectly fine because there are plenty of other ways to get vitamin C into your guinea pig’s diet without the sugar rush.

The Best Vegetable For Guinea Pigs & Vitamin C 

Giving your guinea pig fresh leafy greens every day will give them a nutritional boost! The greener the better, and the cavies love it. A full cup of leafy greens a day helps keep the doctor away!

You can give other vegetables that are low in vitamin C every day as well. It’s good to keep a rotation where your cavy is getting a variety so they aren’t getting too many oxalates or calcium from one vegetable. 

Oxalates and calcium can contribute to bladder and kidney stones so you don’t want to give your cavy something like kale every single day. But kale is a great vegetable to have in the rotation! 

Some good options for vegetables that are low in sugar but also high in vitamin C:

  • sweet bell pepper

  • parsley

  • kale

  • thyme

  • dill

  • brussels sprouts

  • red cabbage

  • broccoli

  • cauliflower

  • turnip greens

Even better, when you're at the store picking up veggies for your cavy, you can pick up some for yourself.

guinea pigs vitamin C

Pellets Fortified With Vitamin C 

Life can get busy and sometimes veggies fall by the wayside (we’ve all been there). Luckily, you can get quality fortified pellet food to offer your cavy every day to help fill in nutritional gaps and give your guinea pig a consistent supply of vitamin C. 

Just make sure the first ingredient in the pellet is hay and there aren’t any fillers added. A quality pellet will look boring without any colorful pieces or seeds mixed in. Save the color for the fresh foods and keep your pellets uniform and consistent. 

You don’t want the excitement of a new treat to turn into a stomach ache!

A diet too rich in fruit will throw off the balance of good and bad bacteria in your cavy’s gut. This makes it harder to digest all of their food! Which causes even more issues. 

Giving your guinea pig too many sweets may seem nice and fun at the moment but it’s up to you to be a responsible parent and keep the treats in check.

Can Guinea Pigs Get Too Much Vitamin C?

Unless instructed by a vet, your guinea pig shouldn’t have a vitamin C supplement outside of guinea pig food pellets and natural sources.

Bladder stones and joint problems can occur in guinea pigs who have been given high doses of vitamin C. So while vitamin C is important, balance is key!  

Guinea Pigs Love Their Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps give your cavy healthy skin and a shiny coat! Definitely something to get excited about. Giving your guinea pig all the nutrients they need will give you a pet that feels their best and shows you their personality to the fullest.

The most important part of any guinea pig’s diet is high-quality hay. Make sure you have hay available 24/7 for snacking and chewing! Keep all of these vitamin C sources in mind to include in your cavy’s balanced diet but don’t forget the main event should always be hay.


We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice.


Before adding any new product, please consult your exotic veterinarian. If your pet is acting unwell and you have concerns for their well being, please contact your vet immediately.

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