It’s that time of year when sickness seems to be all around us humans. Can your pet get a guinea pig cold? They can! Cold weather can be stressful for guinea pigs which lowers their immune response, making them more likely to get sick with an infection.
So while you’re perfecting your health regimen this winter, let’s take a minute to consider the cavy’s as well! It’s important to prevent but also know the signs of illness to look for.

Guinea Pig Health In The Winter
The ideal temperature for a guinea pig is around 65 - 70 degrees Fahrenheit. They’re sensitive to cold drafts, so while your house may not be very cold, if your guinea pig’s house is near a door to the outside they could be colder than you realize in the winter months.
The temperature drop that happens in the winter can stress their immune system leading to illness but it can also affect their appetite. If your guinea pig isn’t comfortable they may eat and exercise less.
Signs Of Guinea Pig Cold Weather Illness
If you think you’re dealing with a guinea pig cold (upper respiratory illness), contact your exotic vet as soon as possible.
Signs Of Upper Respiratory Illness In Guinea Pigs
wet nose/face
difficulty breathing
hooting sounds when breathing
noisy breathing
low appetite
low energy
If you have multiple cavies housed together and you notice one isn’t feeling well, you could separate them as guinea pig cold weather illness is contagious among guinea pigs. Check with your exotic vet and follow their protocol for a guinea pig cold.
Preventing Guinea Pig Cold Weather Illness
Prevention is the best medicine so let’s talk about how to set your cavy up for success this winter to ward off guinea pig cold weather illness.
High-Fiber Diet
A proper diet goes a long way in keeping your cavy’s immune system as strong as possible. By giving your cavy what they need nutritionally and the fiber they need to keep their digestive system running, their body isn’t stressed. This leaves plenty of resources for their immune system and fighting off illness.
Vitamin C-Rich Diet
Guinea pigs can’t make their own vitamin C so they must get it from fresh foods and/or supplemented in pellet food. Vitamin C plays a big role in keeping their immune system up and running.
Guinea pigs should have fresh leafy greens every day. 1 cup is usually perfect for a guinea pig. Just make sure you rotate the types of leafy greens you’re offering so your guinea pig doesn’t get too much of any one nutrient and they get a variety of tastes and antioxidants.

Fresh foods can also be offered as a fun treat for guinea pigs. Guinea pigs love the human with the snacks. Some low-sugar options to give your guinea pig a little vitamin C boost are:
sweet bell pepper
brussels sprouts
red cabbage
turnip greens
Proper Housing
Your guinea pigs should be inside with controlled temperatures especially when the weather outside is harsh. Protect their enclosure from drafts and if you do have outdoor guinea pigs make sure their house is well insulated. Take a temperature reading regularly so you can make adjustments to their housing to keep them in safe temperatures.
Provide plenty of soft bedding for your guinea pig to snuggle up in if the temperature of their housing is less than ideal. A hideaway is the perfect place to stack the bedding! Multiple guinea pigs huddled together can help them stay warm as well but if you are resorting to this, your cavies need a warmer house!
Close Monitoring
Signs of guinea pig cold weather illness can be subtle. Catching the symptoms before they’re severe can help you treat and take care of your guinea pig successfully. Make sure you have time every day cut out for your guinea pig health checks.
Your daily socializing is the time where you’ll notice if something is off with your cavy. You may notice they don’t have the energy they usually do or that they haven’t been eating as much as usual.
Spend time with your guinea pigs at the same time every day so you have a consistent routine and you get to know how they act/feel at that time of day.
Guinea pig behavior varies among cavies and nobody knows your guinea pig better than you do! You’re the first person who would be able to notice if something is off with your cavy.
Talk to your guinea pig-savvy vet if your guinea pig is showing signs of illness or if you’re concerned with their behavior.
We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice.
Before adding any new product, please consult your exotic veterinarian. If your pet is acting unwell and you have concerns for their well being, please contact your vet immediately.