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can dogs rabbits live together

Can rabbits and dogs live together?

Can rabbits and dogs live together? If you’ve decided to bring a bun into a home that already has a canine, you may be wondering whether rabbits and dogs get along. In theory, rabbits are prey animals and dogs are hunters. This can make for a slightly challenging situation… but it doesn’t mean that the … Continue Reading

Introducing guinea pigs: finding the right match.

Introducing guinea pigs: finding the right match.

We can all understand the desire to have a guinea pig nearby, right?  There is definitely nothing your guinea pig wants than another guinea pig.  If you haven’t read our post on the social nature of cavies, take a peek and learn why this is so important for our little friends.  Introducing guinea pigs does take a little … Continue Reading

Introducing guinea pigs: preparation.

Introducing guinea pigs: preparation.

We’ve talked about why guinea pigs need another piggy in their lives, and how to find the right match.  Introducing guinea pigs isn’t rocket science, but a few steps upfront can make all the difference.  Let’s lay some groundwork to make sure the relationship has a chance to blossom.  photo credit: There are some things you will need to do … Continue Reading

Introducing Guinea Pigs: the first meeting.

Introducing Guinea Pigs: the first meeting.

You’ve read up on the social nature of guinea pigs, how to choose a match, and how to get ready for the big day.  It is time for the first meeting. Let’s do this carefully, so we have the very best chance of them getting along great from the very beginning.  Introducing guinea pigs requires some patience, and you’ll have … Continue Reading

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