Preventing Hairballs… It’s Possible!
Hairballs are just as unpleasant for your cat as they are for the person finding one. Here is how to prevent hairballs from being a constant trouble.
Hairballs are just as unpleasant for your cat as they are for the person finding one. Here is how to prevent hairballs from being a constant trouble.
Our cute cavies can get a dental problem called guinea pig malocclusions. What are they and how do we know when our piggies have it?
Most dogs love winter and as much as they love their people! Using our winter safety tips for dogs to keep them safe shows you love them back.
E.cuniculi is a scary illness that may cause your rabbit to have head tilt, paralysis, cataracts, and more. How is it spread, and what can you do about it?
Even minor hamster skin sores may become infected and turn into hamster skin abscesses. How can you tell if your hamster has one and how can you help them?
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