CHAPTER 204 – Birthday Bunny
“Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Abigail
Happy Birthday to you!” sang Dad as he entered the room.
Another year had passed by. With her near brush with death last year, Dad was extra grateful to be celebrating another birthday with Abigail. “I can’t believe you’re seven years old already!” said Dad, “You look the same as you did the first day we met!”
Unlike with all the other rabbits at the House of Buns, Dad knew Abigail’s actual birthday, since she had originally come from a breeder before he adopted her from her first family. With the other rabbits in the house, he celebrated “Gotcha’ Day” instead, in honor of the day they came to live with him.
“I made your favorite ‘cake’ for you!” announced Dad. Abigail knew what that meant. She was excited! She liked that her birthday was in spring because it was the “young time” of the year. It was also when willow leaves came back in season!
Dad set down one of his famous “foraging balls” – fresh willow branches weaved into a ball and stuffed with three kinds of Small Pet Select hay. In the center were some of her favorite treats. Abigail took a deep breath of the fresh willow leaves. It had been months since she smelled that! She pulled off one of the fresh green leaves and nibbled on it. It tasted so good!
Then she stuck her cute little nose into the ball and sniffed for treats. Sure enough, as she dug further into the ball, she found a piece of dried papaya and pulled it out to enjoy.
Dad smiled with amusement and said softly, “Happy birthday, little one. No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my baby girl! I love you with all my heart!”

Abigail digs for a treat inside her favorite birthday "cake."
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