CHAPTER 228 – Vote for the Underbun
“Hey, Abigail. You got a message from your friend Jack-In-The-Bag, the special needs rabbit we met at Midwest Bunfest a few years ago,” said Dad.
It had been awhile since she had heard from Jack. Jack always inspired Abigail for being so resilient. He never let the fact that he couldn’t use his back legs stop him from anything. He just adapted. He was always off on some adventure with his bun mom, Desiree, since they were inseparable. He was even an ambassador for Small Pet Select! Abigail hopped over and looked up at Dad with her big brown eyes and asked, “What did he say?”
Dad said, “Jack entered a contest to be on the cover of a special needs animal calendar. The rescue it supports helps dogs and cats, but he thinks it would call attention to special needs rabbits if a rabbit was on the cover. The entrant with the most votes gets their picture on the cover. He asked you to vote for him. It costs $1 for each vote. He’s in second place right now. The deadline is Sept 30th, 2022. What do you think?”
Abigail giggled. It was true, rabbits were always the underdog, er, underbun in the pet world, even though they were the third most popular pet in the United States. It would be nice to give rabbits some visibility and show that special needs rabbits can live happy lives. Plus, she wanted to support her friend Jack-In-The-Bag.
Abigail knew she still had some money from the sales of her book, so she thought, “Sure! Let’s vote for the underbun! Give him a hundred votes! Maybe some of my other rabbit friends will help, too. There’s power in numbers, you know. We ought to be able to boost him into first place!”
Dad clicked on the link and added 100 votes for Jack. Dad reported, “OK, Abigail. You just gave him 100 votes. That should help!”
Abigail thought, “Tell Jack we are rooting for him and voted!” She thought, “He’s so handsome, he deserves to be on the cover of the calendar! I hope he wins!”

Abigail votes for her special needs bun friend Jack-In-The-Bag to be a calendar cover model. Will he win?
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