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Through Abigail’s Eyes: “Waiting…”

Through Abigail's Eyes - Waiting


"Good morning, Abigail! It's time for brunch!" said Dad as he set down her orange food tray. Abigail did a little binky and came running over. She loved Sunday mornings. Things were more relaxed. She and Dad would have a late breakfast and then it was time for the highlight of their week--Belinda's Blog. "I wonder what she's been up to this week," thought Abigail.

Belinda's baby picture from last week's blog had been on Dad's screen all week. That inquisitive face. Those big ears. SO adorable! He couldn't stop staring at it.

"I'm sorry, baby. Belinda's blog isn't here yet," said Dad, as he sat down for brunch. Abigail's left ear drooped in disappointment. "Why not?" thought Abigail. Then she realized, it was Daylight Savings Time weekend! Time to "spring forward" as the humans said. She liked that phrase. It was very rabbitty.

Abigail knew Belinda had trouble with that concept. They had discussed it many times on their video conferences. "Dad! Do you think she overslept? Should we call her and see if she's awake? Half the country will be sitting in front of the computer waiting for her to wake up and send her blog. Don't want her to get in trouble!" thought Abigail. She was always looking out for her boss.

Abigail nose-bumped the FaceTime button on the tablet and waited. But Belinda didn't answer. She thumped her foot. Still no answer. "Do you think she's OK?" wondered Abigail. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm sure she's fine. Probably just confused about what time to press the 'send' button," assured Dad.

Sure enough, a little while later, Belinda's blog showed up. Abigail settled into her loaf position and made herself comfortable in her spot. Dad laid down on the floor with his tablet and read Belinda's latest adventure to her out loud.

Abigail was happy. Rabbits like routine, and they were back in their Sunday routine. All was right with the world.

Abigail waiting on Belinda

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