Treats for rabbits can be tricky! You want to give your rabbit something fun but you don’t want to completely throw off their digestive system or give them a stomach ache. Rabbit stomachs are more sensitive than ours so they need more consideration.
So, what should you consider?
The goal is to give them something to get excited about without straying too far away from their daily and natural diet. Let’s review what a rabbit’s natural diet is so we can find the treats that fit well with it!
Sara is talking all about healthy treats for rabbits on YouTube!
Do Wild Rabbits Get Treats?
Wild rabbits spend their days foraging. They chew lots of roughage to keep their teeth worn down and fill their stomachs with fiber! Their diet is very low in fat. This tells us that high-fat treats should be completely off the table and high-fiber treats are best.
If you think about it, variety is often a treat in itself. A wild rabbit will eat different plants and they’ll discover their favorites. Imagine the excitement a sweet bun will feel when they find their favorite plant!
It might just make their whole day without any added sugar. Yes, some wild rabbits may find a berry and that would be an exciting treat as well. Occasional fruit is a great treat for rabbits. However, as we’re laying out some of the best treats for rabbits keep in mind that a little variety is a treat.
Healthy Treats For Rabbits
As you’re about to embark on a shopping spree, make sure you never get too excited without checking the ingredients. Simple, high-fiber ingredients without added sugar or dyes are what you’re looking for. Even better consider “treats” that only have one ingredient! Here are some great options for treats for rabbits.
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Hay Treats
Let’s start with the star of any rabbit’s diet, hay! Treats made with hay are perfect because they don’t stray from the food their digestive system loves. Still, they come in a new shape and texture giving your bun variety.

Hay Cubes are hay pressed into cubes. Very simple, yet still tasty! Healthy Snackers take the idea of Hay Cubes but with a touch of dried fruit to sweeten them up.

Herbs and Herbal Blends
Dried herbs and Herbal Blends are great because they’re low in sugar but also perfect to use for foraging. You can mix herbal blends in with your bun’s hay pile or leave some in their hideout to find later.
There are lots of choices so plenty of room for variety. You can try different combinations and find your rabbit’s favorite!

Toys That Double As Treats For Rabbits
A lot of toys made for rabbits have hay cubes, sticks, logs, and other dried plants that rabbits love to nibble on. These are the best toys for rabbits because who has met a rabbit that doesn’t like to nibble?
Toys will be nibbled on so it’s best to make them edible and safe. Toys also help keep a rabbit mentally stimulated which mimics the lifestyle of a wild rabbit as well. Those favorite plants they found needed to be yanked and pulled on!
Fresh Foods Make Great Treats For Rabbits
There are a lot of foods you likely already have in your house that would make a great treat for your rabbit. Rabbits do great with fresh leafy greens every day! Giving your rabbit variety with their greens is a treat.
There are other fresh foods (including fruits) that can be used as a treat as long as you’re a responsible parent and don’t get carried away.

Fruits and other foods with natural sugar need to be limited and only given occasionally (not every day). Consider the top of your thumb to be a good portion size for your rabbit to try out.
Some fresh foods that make great treats for rabbits are:
bell peppers
apples (without the seeds)
Anytime you give your rabbit a new food, make sure it’s a small portion. Don’t make any big changes at once! Make sure the new food agrees with them and they don’t have any signs of digestive issues before making it a part of your regular treat rotation.
Signs your rabbit is having trouble digesting a new food:
low energy
hunched position
watery poops
low appetite
If you think your rabbit isn’t feeling well, contact a rabbit-savvy exotic vet!
What Not To Give Your Rabbit For Treats
To avoid any mistakes let’s get a few things off the table. Rabbits are low-fat vegans. They should never stray from that dietary umbrella. There are also some foods that can be dangerous for them that do fit in that description!
Also, it’s good to recognize that just because something is natural doesn't mean it’s safe for rabbits. Collecting plants from your backyard to give to your rabbit is not a good idea. Even your garden! For example, rabbits shouldn’t have the leaves of tomato plants as a treat because they can be toxic in large doses.
Other foods to keep away from your rabbit are:
avocados, nuts, or any high-fat foods
garlic and onions
animal products
yogurt drops
“treats” with ingredients you don’t understand
random plants from outside
Some treats found in pet stores are marketed for rabbits but they have added sugars, fillers, and honestly ingredients that you probably don’t understand. Always check labels! Keep things simple.
Treats For Rabbits Should Only Be a Small Part of Their Diet
Protect the hay obsession! Make sure treats know their place. Rabbits should have unlimited access to fresh hay 24/7. Make sure their hay is high-quality and a type of hay that they love to eat. You can’t force-feed your rabbit but you can make sure the healthy food is tempting!
Feeding too many treats and food other than hay can lead to digestion problems, obesity, and a diet that isn’t high enough in fiber. When other foods take your rabbit’s attention away from the hay pile then you have a problem. Treats for rabbits should be some new tastes and textures but they shouldn’t be anything that fills up your rabbit.
We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice.
Before adding any new product, please consult your exotic veterinarian. If your pet is acting unwell and you have concerns for their well being, please contact your vet immediately.