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St. Patricks Day Special: The Best Greens For Rabbits

best greens for rabbits

It’s that time of year again! Where everything is better when it’s green. Green pancakes anyone? Greens for rabbits aren’t only a St. Patrick's Day tradition. They are an all-year-long superfood! 

Hopefully for you hoomans as well, because one of the best ways to make a meal healthier is by making it green! 

Today we’re talking all about salad. Yes, rabbits need some salad! There are quite a few greens you can choose from to make this salad but the best salads have a few different types of greens mixed together. 

Us rabbits eat our salads the way nature intended, just leaves!

greens for rabbits

Why Greens For Rabbits Are A Must

About 10% of your rabbit's diet should be fresh leafy greens! 80% of your bun’s food should be hay and 10% should be pellets. So while greens aren’t the main event for rabbits, they’re certainly an exciting and nutritious part of the day. 

Different greens provide different nutrients but they also provide variety in texture and the way a rabbit chews.

greens for rabbits

Vitamin C is found in a lot of greens for rabbits which is great for your bun’s immune system! Greens have high levels of nutrients and fiber with low levels of starch and sugar which make them the perfect addition to your rabbit's diet.

Sara is talking about what to feed your rabbit on YouTube!

Safe Greens For Rabbits

Here’s a list of greens to choose from for your bun! It’s best to work up to a good variety so your rabbit isn’t getting an overdose of any one vitamin or mineral. The greens on this list with a * should especially be rotated and not given every day due to being high in oxalates. 

Too many oxalates can contribute to bladder and kidney issues. However, small amounts most rabbits will be perfectly fine with so don’t worry too much about oxalates and just keep variety in mind.  

  • arugula

  • basil

  • beet greens*

  • bok choy

  • carrot tops

  • cilantro

  • collard greens

  • dandelion greens

  • dill leaves

  • endive

  • escarole

  • kale 

  • mint

  • mustard greens*

  • parsley*

  • peppermint leaves

  • radish tops*

  • raspberry leaves

  • red leaf lettuce

  • romaine lettuce

  • spinach*

  • spring greens

  • strawberry tops

  • swiss chard*

  • turnip greens

  • watercress

  • wheatgrass

Greens To Avoid

Any greens sprayed with pesticides can’t be given to your bun. Keep this in mind especially when it comes to dandelion greens. 

Green is good. Iceberg lettuce or lettuce with light leaves are not what you want to give your bun. Iceberg lettuce has a high water content and a low nutrient content. It may also contain a chemical called lactucarium which can be harmful to your rabbit’s health. 

Tomato leaves (high in solanine) and rhubarb leaves (high in oxalic acid) can be toxic in large doses. Keep these two off the menu as well!

Introducing New Greens To Your Buns

A rabbit should have one cup of greens for every 4 pounds of body weight per day. You can chop up different types of greens for rabbits but only add one new food to your bun’s diet at a time so you can notice if there are any changes in their stool or well-being.

Consider giving it three days with a new food before you determine if it’s okay to have in your regular rotation. Sometimes the side effects of a new food aren’t obvious right away. 

Signs A Food Doesn’t Agree With Your Rabbit:

  • low energy

  • bloated or a hunched position

  • low appetite

  • watery stools

If you’re noticing your rabbit isn’t feeling well, certainly stop feeding the new food but also contact your exotic vet so they can make sure your bun is on the road to recovery!

Some rabbits do really well with a good dose of greens in their diet while other rabbits have sensitive stomachs. Too many greens can cause watery stools as well so keep in mind your rabbit's individual needs as you get to know them and put together a healthy diet. 

Keeping Your Rabbit’s Diet Balanced

As exciting as greens for rabbits are, when we get too excited about them they can overcrowd the hay plate. It’s important that your rabbit eats enough hay every day! Don’t let them eat too many other foods to where they lose interest in their hay. 

Other vegetables like carrots and bell peppers can be given as a treat but these vegetables shouldn’t be included in the 1-2 cups of fresh leafy greens you give your rabbit each day. Carrots and bell peppers have more sugar than greens for rabbits. 

Fruits can also be given as an occasional treat (small bite-size pieces!). There are also a lot of low-sugar options for rabbit treats like Hay Treats and Pea Flakes

For many rabbits, greens are an excellent treat and they look forward to seeing what’s in their greens bowl. Just make sure you have high-quality fresh hay available so they keep their diet balanced just as it should be. 

Looks like you’re all set! Now go get some greens for you, your bun, and everyone else you know. It’s a lucky day!


We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice.


Before adding any new product, please consult your exotic veterinarian. If your pet is acting unwell and you have concerns for their well being, please contact your vet immediately.

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