Free Discount Code: WC-PETCARE
We would do anything for our cuties to keep them happy and healthy. Unfortunately, helping our feather, furry, and scaly friends stay healthy can be difficult with rising costs and unforeseen expenses. April 24 recognizes Pet Care for All Day, a chance to celebrate the efforts of organizations and local vet offices to keep health care affordable for all our sweet critters!
If you would like to see your cutie featured, please click on the photo above. This will take you to a Weekly Cuties submission form and the Small Pet Select social channel submission form . We're always looking for new celebrities!
#1. Scarlett O-Hare was a remarkably bright bun who brought so much joy and love into her human's life. This stunning cutie had so much personality, she had an impact on everyone she met. Scarlett's favorite meal was nibbling on1st cut Timothy Hay.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Hay page.
#2. Thelma is enjoying a lovely Spring picnic in the backyard! All of these tasty treats pair perfectly with Guinea Pig Food Pellets.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Food page.
#3. Pancake loves his Small Pet Select 2nd cut Timothy Hay and a treat of pear and blueberry Healthy Snackers! This super loving lop can play non-stop after nibbling on hay and snackers.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Healthy Snacks and Treats page.
#4. Oreo loves his 2nd cut Timothy Hay and his human is a fan of the customer service, fast delivery and really good quality. When is comes to freshness, Oreo will put every piece to the taste test!
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Rabbit page.
#5. Waddles, Winnie, and Buttercup are a wild herd who relish the zest of Orchard Hay and nutrition in Guinea Pig Food Pellets. These pigs are happy to treat themselves!
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Guinea Pig page.

UK friends, send us your photos.
We can't wait to feature you. Cheers!
#6. Bunz is the sweetest most loving and curious little bunny. He loves giving kisses, zooming, doing binkies and taking naps. Bunz loves his new 3rd cut Timothy Hay …so much that he jumped right in the box and started eating it!
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Hay page.
#7. Benita is on the hop about for her 2nd cut Timothy Hay. When in doubt, follow the nose!
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Rabbit page.
#8. Miss Penelope Harrington, a remarkable and stunning Lionhead, loves pets, treats and to run laps in, out, through, over and around her enclosure, and her sisters enclosure, especially with the tunnel their humans built them. After a day of bounding around, it's cozy to use dust free Pine Pelleted Litter.
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Bedding page.
#9. Enzo is a brilliant bun who is learning to spell for his Dried Papaya treats! Definitely worth the pay off.
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Rabbit page.
#10. Albert (Einstein) and S’mores are two cuddly pigs who look fantastic from any angle. Munching on 2nd cut Timothy Hay helps to keep their bellies full and coat smooth!
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Guinea Pig page.
Weekly free discount code fine print:
For our friends shopping in the United States:
- Free shipping on your entire order (up to $39.99 in products; if you order $40.00 of products, you get free shipping anyway).
- Valid from the Saturday it's issued until the following Friday (April 20, 2024, 12:00 AM EST to April 26, 2024, 11:59 EST).
- Limit of 1 use per customer.
- Cannot be combined with any other promo code or coupon.
- Cannot be used with subscription orders.
- Only applies to orders placed on and shipped to an address in the Continental United States (not Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories, or Canada).
For our friends shopping in the United Kingdom:
- 10% off of all orders placed on
- Valid from the Saturday it's issued until the following Friday (April 20, 2024, 12:00 AM EST to April 26 2024, 11:59 EST).
- Limit of 1 use per customer.
- Cannot be combined with any other promo code or coupon.
- Cannot be used with subscription orders.
We sincerely appreciate all the pigtures and stories people email us, post on our social media accounts, and in our reviews. Watch this space; the cutie you submit to us just may make an appearance!
DISCLAIMER: The links and information are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Small Pet Select of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual.
VETERINARY DISCLAIMER: We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice. If your pet is acting unwell, you have concerns for their well being, or before adding any new product, please contact your veterinarian immediately.
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