Free Discount Code: WC-ADOPTABLE
"Perfection: the condition, state, or quality of being free from all flaws and defects." ~Oxford Languages
The traditional view of perfection is overrated and boring. Often, we fall in love with our cuties because of their quirks, not despite them. Tomorrow starts Adopt a Less-Adoptable Pet Week, a time to recognize how much meaning our animals contribute to our lives and how we cherish them just the way they are. If you are thinking about adopting a furry, feathery, or scaly companion we encourage you to find one perfect for you- not one others deem as "perfect" .
If you would like to see your cutie featured, please click on the photo above. This will take you to a Weekly Cuties submission form and the Small Pet Select social channel submission form . We're always looking for new celebrities!
#1. Boden is a free roam rescue bunny who is savoring the sweet life at age seven! He LOVES Small Pet Select 2nd cut Timothy Hay, especially with a little Belinda’s Blend sprinkled on top! This brilliant bun even knows how to ring a bell to have his human open doors for him.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Rabbit page.
#2. Marilyn Bunroe, white bun w Violet eyes, LOVES berries of any kind —it adds a little color to life. This attentive bun loves going from room to room just to make sure everything is in order, and of course, she also loves bubble wrap!
Dexter is Marilyn’s husbun, he is the sweetest boy and he loves treats of any kind! This playful bun also enjoys tryin to make Georgie, the weiner dog chase him in circles. What Dexter doesn’t love is Spa day. The grooming and nail trims leave him pouty the rest of the day. Both Marilyn and Dexter delight in foraging around the house for Belinda's Herbal Blend.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Herbs and Herbal Blends page.
#3. Ricochet and Ice enjoy scenic views, and to get there they use the doggie door to go outside and sit on the porch. This darling pair also like to venture inside in the afternoon and take naps in their little area. Ice and Ricochet savor munching on Sea Grass Mats and 2nd cut Timothy Hay with a little Alfalfa Hay sprinkled over it!
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Natural Toys and Chews page.
#4. Ollie is on the hunt for his crisp 2nd cut Timothy Hay! This brilliant rescue ensures his hay is on Auto-Ship and Save so he never runs out.
Small Pet Select UK Friends - here's your link to our Auto-Ship & Save page.
#5. Baby, Rex Mini, and Phillip, New Zealand, are both rescue buns who couldn't be happier or more lucky in their forever home! Sweet little cow-spotted Baby almost bonded immediately with Phillip and now they are inseparable. The only thing that interrupts their loving cuddles is opening a fresh box of 3rd cut Timothy Hay!! As soon as their humans open it, Baby takes a slightly more respectable approach, leaning her little paws up on the box to pulls individual strands out to munch. Big Phil, with his usual bulldozer approach to life, wastes no time and jumps straight into the box to attack the hay head on!
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Hay page.

UK friends, send us your photos.
We can't wait to feature you. Cheers!
#6. Archie, a Flemish mix rescue, has no problem helping himself to extra 3rd cut Timothy Hay! This hard working bun is enjoying a nap after a full belly.
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Rabbit page.
#7. Hamilton or Hammie is a wild nine year old mix breed rescue from Chicago. This adventurous boy loves his greens, treats, doing tricks, and nibbling on 3rd cut Timothy Hay!
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Hay page.
#8. Miss Fiona, a Lionhead/ Lop rescue, has been with her humans for 7 amazing years! This bright bun is guiding Hollinger, a young Holland Lop, in the ways of the world. After a day of life lessons, this charming pair forages for Pea Flakes.
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Healthy Snacks and Treats page
#9. Theo is a rescue rabbit who found her forever home three years ago and enjoys a life of pets, love, and Healthy Snacker Mini Cookies. This spirited bun likes to look out the window and watch dogs go by!
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Rabbit page.

#10. Chevy is the newest rescue bun to join her forever home and she is happy to discover the flavor of 2nd cut Timothy Hay! Ruby and Jasper are checking out their new neighbor, Chevy, giving her a big family welcome.
Small Pet Select UK Friends- here's your link to our Rabbit page.
Weekly free discount code fine print:
For our friends shopping in the United States:
- Free shipping on your entire order (up to $39.99 in products; if you order $40.00 of products, you get free shipping anyway).
- Valid from the Saturday it's issued until the following Friday (September 16, 2023, 12:00 AM EST to September 22, 2023, 11:59 EST).
- Limit of 1 use per customer.
- Cannot be combined with any other promo code or coupon.
- Cannot be used with subscription orders.
- Only applies to orders placed on and shipped to an address in the Continental United States (not Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories, or Canada).
For our friends shopping in the United Kingdom:
- 10% off of all orders placed on
- Valid from the Saturday it's issued until the following Friday (September 16, 2023, 12:00 AM EST to September 22, 2023, 11:59 EST).
- Limit of 1 use per customer.
- Cannot be combined with any other promo code or coupon.
- Cannot be used with subscription orders.
We sincerely appreciate all the pigtures and stories people email us, post on our social media accounts, and in our reviews. Watch this space; the cutie you submit to us just may make an appearance!
DISCLAIMER: The links and information are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Small Pet Select of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual.
VETERINARY DISCLAIMER: We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice. If your pet is acting unwell, you have concerns for their well being, or before adding any new product, please contact your veterinarian immediately.
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