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Your Guinea Pig Questions, Answered: The Top 10 FAQs

guinea pig questions

Hello cavy parents! Today we are cutting right to the chase and getting the top 10 frequently asked guinea pig questions answered. We have Saskia from the Los Angeles guinea pig rescue running through each question on YouTube

You can jump to the different time stamps where questions are answered in the description!

If you’d rather read than listen, stick with us here!

How Long Do Guinea Pigs Live? 

Guinea pigs usually live for 5-8 years. This of course depends on their genetics as well as how well they’re cared for and if they’re getting the right fuel for their body!

guinea pig food

How Much Do Guinea Pigs Eat? 

Many guinea pig questions are about food, and for good reason! Guinea pigs love food and they eat all day long. 

Make sure there’s always plenty of hay available in their cage. They should also have ⅛ of a cup of pellet food and fresh greens every day. They should be eating their greens for at least 15-20 minutes! Make it a meal. 

Are Guinea Pigs Good Starter Pets? 

They can be! Guinea pigs are great pets for kids as long as the parents are very involved and love the idea of having guinea pigs.

It won’t work out if the parents leave the cavies on the side to be taken care of by the children alone. Parents need to be into guinea pigs too! There’s a lot to learn and do with guinea pigs. Make them a family pet!

How Big Does My Cage Need To Be? 

The cages sold in pet stores aren’t big enough for a guinea pig! The absolute minimum size for a single cavy is 3 by 2 feet. The cages you build yourself are often the best cages. That way you can make them large enough and custom to fit the space that you have. 

Connecting storage panels is possibly the easiest way to make a nice large cage for your guinea pigs. There are a lot of products sold as a set with guinea pigs in mind. 

What Type Of Bedding Is Best? 

There are many types of bedding that work well for guinea pigs. Fleece liners can be used in a cage with a litter box of disposable bedding.

Aspen Shavings and White Paper Bedding are very popular choices for bedding for a guinea pig litter box. 

How Often Do Guinea Pigs Need Nail Trims? 

Check your guinea pig’s nails at least every 6 weeks. If they get too long the nails and even the bones will start to twist which is very painful. It can contribute to arthritis.

Online videos as well as your cavy-savvy veterinarian can show you how to clip your guinea pig’s nails. Once you know, it isn’t a difficult part of the guinea pig care routine.

guinea pig questions

What Are The Top Three Most Common Illnesses?

Upper respiratory infections can be common, especially among young guinea pigs. Using proper bedding can often help keep irritants out of the air that can contribute to respiratory issues. 

Parasites such as mange mites as well as fungal infections like ringworm are also something to watch out for. Pestavert Gel and Spray are helpful products to talk to your veterinarian about.

Urinary tract infections can also be common but really not something to be too scared of as a visit to the vet will get your cavy back on a healthy track. 

All pets will have a list of common illnesses and it’s up to you to be aware of them so you can act appropriately if signs of illness do show up! 

How Often Do Guinea Pigs Need A Bath? 

Guinea pigs don’t necessarily need baths. Often just wiping them off if they get dirty does the trick. 

Saskia from the Los Angeles Guinea Pig Rescue is able to safely give her guinea pigs baths. It’s important to make sure your cavies skin is able to completely dry if it does get wet. Check with your veterinarian if you want to give your cavies baths or have any guinea pig questions. 

Can Guinea Pigs Go Outside? 

Guinea pigs can go outside as long as they have a playpen with something covering the top so that birds don’t have access to the area with the cavies. 

Make sure there’s nothing sprayed on the grass that could make your cavies sick or expose them to chemicals. You know they will be snacking

guinea pig questions

How Much Does A Vet Visit Cost? 

Bills for guinea pigs can be just as expensive as dogs and cats and oftentimes even more expensive. Guinea pigs aren’t a budget pet! 

You can purchase insurance for guinea pigs if you’re worried you won’t be able to pay the vet bills to take care of your guinea pig. Insurance is the best way to budget and plan for emergencies. It takes some of the decision making out of stressful situations when you know you have the resources to pay for them. 

Guinea Pig-Savvy Vets Will Give Custom Answers To Guinea Pig Questions

Every guinea pig is unique and every situation is different. Having someone to voice your concerns to is exactly what you need as a guinea pig parent. Find a guinea pig-savvy vet before you have an emergency. In stressful situations, you want a number in your back pocket to call. 

Let us know if you have any other guinea pig questions you want us to cover! We never get tired of talking about our cavies.


We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice.


Before adding any new product, please consult your exotic veterinarian. If your pet is acting unwell and you have concerns for their well being, please contact your vet immediately.

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