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Chapter 15 – The Box

Chapter 15 - The Box

Merlot woke up from her afternoon nap and peered out from behind the couch to see if anything had changed in their territory while she was sleeping. Sure enough, there was something new! A giant box lay on the floor. Rabbits are curious creatures, so she ran over to investigate.

Dad had bought a new TV. He had just pulled it out of the box and was busy mounting it in the office. He came back into the living room to grab the instructions and saw Merlot, standing on her back feet, looking across the great expanse of the box. To a little bunny like her, it was huge!

Merlot looked up at Dad and thought, “Nice TV, Dad. May we have the box?” Dad laughed. Just like human kids, rabbit kids often liked the box the toy came in more than the toy. Dad replied, “Why sure. You can play with it. Just let me take out the plastic bag and Styrofoam packing material.” Dad didn’t want them chewing on those, but he left several small pieces of cardboard inside the box for them to play with.

“Hey Enzo, come check this out!” Merlot said. Enzo came bounding over. The two rabbits began exploring their new toy. They circled it. They climbed on top. They slithered inside. Enzo tore at the cardboard. “Dis a good box!” he pronounced.

In his pre-rabbit days, Dad would never have left an empty box lying on the floor for days, but now, he figured it was cheap entertainment for them.

A couple of days later, Dad wanted to vacuum the living room. “I guess they’re finished with the box,” he thought. He stood the box up on its side and dragged it over to the wall. Then he heard a rustling sound from deep inside the box. He peered in. There was Merlot, climbing out from under the cardboard pieces, staring up at him.

Dad laughed, “Oh, Merlot! I’m sorry! I didn’t know you were still playing with the box!” He dragged the box back to the living room and laid it down. Merlot hopped out. She took a lap around the room and then went back into the box to play some more.

And so the box became a semi-permanent fixture in the living room.  

Merlot and Enzo discover a new toy in their territory.

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