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Chapter 32 – Enzo the Household Manager

Chapter 32 - Enzo The Household Manager

It was getting late. Enzo and Merlot snuggled together by the base of the living room window. From their vantage point, they could see Dad working at his computer, bathed in the soft glow of the computer screen.

Enzo said to Merlot, “Dad work too long. He should take a break!” In addition to his duty as Resident Novelist for Small Pet Select and retired Head Treat Beggar, he was also the House of Buns Household Manager. Abigail had appointed him to take over for her. She had advised him, “You have to manage Dad. Sometimes, he works too much. Go over and get his attention and make him play with you!”

Merlot watched as Enzo got up and ran into Dad’s office. He thumped to get his attention. Dad looked up from his computer and down at Enzo. He asked, “What’s up little guy? Do you want something?” Enzo looked up at Dad with his pretty blue eyes and thought, “Yes! I want your attention!”

Dad understood. Long ago, when he first adopted Abigail, he had made a commitment to never push the buns aside if they wanted attention. They were only here on earth for a short time and that time shouldn’t be neglected or wasted.

Dad saved the file he was working on and got up from his chair. He asked Enzo, “Do you want to play chase or do you want pets?” Enzo sat in place, communicating that he didn’t want to play chase. He wanted pets.

Dad knelt down and gave him a pet. He asked, “You want hugs?” He placed his hands around Enzo’s body and waited to see if Enzo would run off. He didn’t. Which meant Enzo wanted hugs. Dad gently scooped up Enzo his arms and let him get comfortable. He carried Enzo into the living room and brought up YouTube on the TV. “What song do you want?” he asked. Even though Abigail had been gone for many months, he still could not bring himself to play 1000 Years anymore. That was her song. He picked Maroon Five’s song “Sugar” and played it. Dad stroked Enzo’s ears. Enzo relaxed and closed his eyes. “As jobs go, dis not too bad,” he thought.

After a couple of songs, Dad asked, “Are you good?” Enzo thought, “Yes, Dad. I good. You can go back to work now.” Dad gently set Enzo down on the floor and gave him a last pet. Enzo hopped back over to Merlot and snuggled up next to her. Merlot groomed Enzo and said, “Good job, Enzo!”

Enzo makes sure Dad takes a break from work.

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