Chapter 55 - Chonky Treat Beggar
“Merlot, your butt stink,” said Enzo. Merlot was embarrassed. She replied, “I know. I’m having trouble reaching my cecotropes.” Eating cecotropes was an important part of a rabbit’s digestive system.
Just then, Dad came into the room with breakfast. “Good morning, guys,” he said as he set down their food tray. “What smells in here? I just changed your litter box,” he said as he looked over at the litter box. Enzo looked at Dad and thought, “It’s Merlot’s butt! Can you do something?”
Dad continued sniffing around like a dog following a trail. “Merlot, is it you?” he asked. Dad gently picked up Merlot and cuddled her on her back in his arm. There was a big clump of stinky cecotropes clinging to her butt. “Oh, Merlot, it’s you! Yuck. Let’s get you cleaned up!”
Hobo had the same problem for awhile, so Dad knew what the problem was. After he lost some weight, the problem went away. Dad was prepared. He brought out the gloves, towel, and pet shampoo. He held Merlot on her back in one hand and rinsed her under warm water, then he washed her fur with shampoo, rinsed again, and then dried her off.
Dad said, “You know Merlot, you’re a little too good at your job as Head Treat Beggar. You’re getting a little chonky. We’re going to have to back off on the treats!” Merlot didn’t like the sound of that, and thought, “Nooooo!”
Dad brought Merlot back to Enzo. “OK, Enzo, she’s all clean now.” Enzo ran over to Merlot and sniffed her butt to check. “Dat much better!” he said.
Merlot told Enzo, “Dad said I can’t have any more treats. What are we going to do? I’m Head Treat Beggar.” Enzo assured her, “Don’t worry. I take care of it.”
As Dad sat down for breakfast, Enzo ran over and stood up on his back feet. He put on his extra cute look. “May I haves a treat?” he thought. Dad’s heart melted as he handed him a Country Loop – his favorite. Enzo stepped away with it and called to Merlot, “OK, come on over!” Merlot came bounding over and they shared the treat together.
Dad just laughed and said, “I can see this is going to be a lot harder than I thought.”

How can Dad say no to this?
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